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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Draft Communique to Be Issued Following a Meeting between Albert Reynolds and John Major on 25 September 1992

Tuesday, 01 September 1992


Draft communique with a summary of the meeting between Albert Reynolds and John Major that is scheduled to take place to 25 September 1992. Notes on the discussion on European matters are yet to be inserted, but the commitment to political progress and the framework created by the Anglo-Irish Agreement is included. The shared desire to resume political talks, and retain cooperation between the two governments is made clear.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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1. [Cast list]

2. [EC matters])

3. The Prime Minister and Taoiseach reviewed progress in the current political talks. They agreed that useful work had been done in establishing how further progress might be made, to which all parties to the talks had contributed. All participants had a better understanding of each other and of the obstacles to a new beginning for relationships within Northern Ireland, within the island of Ireland and between the peoples of these islands. The priority now was to work
urgently to build on the common ground as to how these obstacles would be overcome.

4. The two Heads of Governments re-affirmed their commitment to make every effort to achieve progress. They recalled that the Northern Ireland parties were committed to participate actively and directly in the North-South discussions.

5. They confirmed their commitment to the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement including the principle of regular and frequent Ministerial meetings. They also re-affirmed their readiness to consider a new and more broadly—based agreement or structure if such an agreement can be arrived at through direct discussion
and negotiation between all the parties concerned.

6. To enable the necessary urgent work to proceed without interruption, they agreed to a second and final extension of the interval between Conferences under the Anglo-Irish Agreement of 1985. The next meeting of the Intergovernmental Conference will take place on [ ].

7. They reviewed other matters of mutual concern and noted that a wide range of contacts continued between the two Governments at all levels.