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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Memo from Ian Burns Enclosing John McConnell's Minute on His Discussion with Alec Reid on the 10 March 1988

Thursday, 17 March 1988


This memo encloses John McConnell's account of his meeting with Father Alec Reid on 10 March 1988. It notes that though Reid seemed to be operating independently, meetings with him should be held carefully to minimize suspicions that he was acting as an intermediary between the British Government and PIRA. It also includes a note stating that the original document has either been retained under section 3(4) of the Public Records Act 1958 or closed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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The Secretary of State may wish to see the attached account of Mr McConnell's discussion with Father Reid last week - in particular his comments on the Provisionals' approach.

Father Reid clearly has a direct line to Provisional leaders, but our assessment is that he is independent of them.

I have therefore told Mr. McConnell that he should continue to accept telephone contact from Father Reid; there could be some risk, however, that face to face contact might arouse suspicion that Father Reid is acting as a go-between between us and the Provisionals; we should be able to minimise this by having meetings on NIO premises but have told Mr. McConnell that in the event of proposals for a further meeting, Mr. McConnell should (as he did this time) seek instructions at the time.