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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

Memo from John Blelloch to Ian Burns Regarding John McConnell's Meeting with Alec Reid on the 6 March 1990

Monday, 05 March 1990


This document records John Blelloch's advice on how John McConnell should approach the next meeting with Father Alec Reid. Blelloch argued that McConnell should clarify that there could be no dialogue between Sinn Féin and the British Government until they had evidence that PIRA had stopped all paramilitary activity.

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Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)

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From PUS
5 March 1990

Mr Burns [1]

cc SofS (L&B) [2&3]
Mr Ledlie [4]
Mr Deverell [5]
Mr Daniell [6]
Mr J McConnell [7]

Discussion with Father Reid

I gather there is to be a further meeting between Fr Reid and Mr McConnell tomorrow. Subject to any comments SofS himself may have, could I make one point on your minute of 1 March.
2. I very much agree with the thrust of your paragraph 3. But I paused over the detailed line advocated in paragraph 4, with its emphasis on the state of Adams' thinking. I wonder if that is right. It seems to me rather that Mr McConnell's line should be that whether or not Adams' thinking has changed, what matters to the British Government are the actions of Sinn Fein and the Provisional IRA. Until the former starts behaving truly like a constitutional party and the latter abandons its methods of securing what it wants, there really is no basis for dialogue between them and the Government. If Adams' own thinking has reached the conclusion, very well: but it is translating his thought into others' actions that counts.
3. It may be that the above is what you mean by "hard evidence". If so then we are at one, though I think it would be wise for Mr McConnell to indicate what is actually meant by those two words.
4. Let us have a quick word if the above gives you difficulty.


5 March 1990