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Record of Tete-à-Tete Meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds on 25 September 1992

Writing Peace: The National Archives of the UK (TNA)


Stephen Wall reports the key issues that were discussed at a recent meeting between John Major and Albert Reynolds. Reynolds noted domestic pressure and blamed DUP's fickleness for lack of progress through the IGC. Remaining discussion was mainly about the continued vitality of the structures created by the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement and how to accommodate the unionists in the context that the AIA had created. There was a brief concluding discussion about security and the worrying increased sophistication of loyalist weaponry.

PREM 19/4254 1992
downing street declaration british-irish intergovernmental conference anglo-irish agreement referendum north/south council north/south cooperation strand 1 articles 2&3/irish constitution security paramilitary activity (loyalist) paramilitary activity (republican)

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PREM 19/4254
48 1992 - 1993
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