South Dakota State Constitutional Convention 1889

Following the rejected 'Sioux Falls' Convention of 1885, the South Dakota Convention met and began the drafting process in July of 1889. They used the articles of the Sioux Falls Convention as starting propositions to begin the amendment process. The South Dakota Constitution was ratified in October 1889.

The Convention

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Document introduced in:

Session 15730: 1889-07-25 14:00:00

Report from the Special Committee of Five regarding the communication from the officers of the American Sabbath Union was adopted. The Resolution to clarify the rules of the Convention was then read and referred to the Committee on Rules.

Document View:

Report of the Committee on Schedule on Article XXII

(Showing state at moment e934807)
There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Sioux Falls, D. T., July 25, 1889. MR. PRESIDENT:—

Your Committee on Schedule and Submission, to whom was referred, “An ordinance irrevocable without the consent of he United States and the people of the State, relating to religious toleration, public lands, taxation of lands, debts of the Territory of Dakota and public schools,” have had the same under consideration and have instructed me to report as follows:

That the following be a substitute for the above described ordinance, and that the following be substituted as Article XXII of the Sioux Falls Constitution, as being directed by the Act of Congress, known as the “Omnibus Bill’’, and your Committee recommend that the following be adopted as Article XXII “Compact with the United States’’, and that the same be adopted by this Convention.


BY L. H. HOLE, Chairman.

Decisions yet to be taken

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