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Document introduced in:

Session 11907: 1860-12-12 12:00:00

More members join the House. Various members present Resolutions to instruct the Committee of Thirty-Three on the slavery question.

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Resolutions on Slavery Rights and Interstate Relations

(Showing state at moment e811896)
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Resolved, That the doctrine that Congress should inter-vene by law ether to prohibit or protect the domestic in-stitution of slavery in the Territories of this Government should be abandoned by those political parties which hold it; and that the doctrine of non intervention by Congress over that subject should be adopted as a basis of compro-mise between the North and South; thereby leaving the whole question of slavery in the Territories to be determined by the people and laws of climate.

Resolved, That the people of any Territory, on applying for admission as a State into this Union, should be admitted with such a constitution as a majority of the people adopted, provided it is republican in form, and with any regard to whether their constitution permits or prohibits the domestic institution of slavery.

Resolved, That all statutes enacted by any of the State Legislatures conflicting with, or in violation of, the Constitution of the United States and the laws of Congress made in pursuance thereof, should be repealed.

Resolved, That the fugitive slave law is constitutional and the law of the land, and as such should be respected and obeyed; and that no obstacles should be put in the way of its faithful execution by either State Legislatures or the people.

Resolved, that a kind and fraternal spirit should be man-ifested by the people of one State toward those of another, and that the people of each State should be permitted to regulate their own internal affairs, without the interference and intermeddling of those other States.

Resolved, That the Constitution of the United States was the result of a spirit of conciliation and compromise, and that the Union of these States can alone be preserved by the exercise of the same spirit which […] the breasts of those great patriots and statesmen who gave us that Constitution and hallowed Union.

Decisions yet to be taken

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