Utah State Constitutional Convention 1895 (2020 Edition)

Proceedings and Debates of the Convention Assembled to Adopt a Constitution for the State of Utah

The Convention

All the delegates.

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Document introduced in:

Session 7395: 1895-04-30 09:00:00

Document View:

Article on Public Lands [Article No. 11.3]

Shown with amendment 'Article No. 11.3: Section 1: Amendment' (e695849)

(Showing state at moment e695889)
There are 2 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.
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Section 1. All lands of the State that have been, or that may hereafter be granted to the State by Congress, and all lands required by gift or grant or devise, from any person or corporation or that my otherwise be acquired, are hereby accepted and shall be the public lands of the State, and shall be held in trust for the people, to be disposed of as , except sections 16 and 36, school lands, which may be sold to the occupants thereof at the value of such lands prior to their occupancy and without regard to improvements upon or adjacent theretomay be provided by law for the respective purposes for which they have been or may be granted, donated, devised or otherwise acquired.

Decisions yet to be taken

Document Timeline