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Document introduced in:

Session 6609: 1869-02-03 12:00:00

The Senate proceeds to consider H. Res. 402 as in Committee of the Whole

Document View (with components):

H. Res. 402

Shown with amendment 'None' (e867033)

(Showing state at moment e867263)
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Joint Resolution

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, (two thirds of both Houses concurring,) That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three fourths of said Legislatures, shall be held as part of said Constitution, namely:

Article —.

Sec. 1. No discrimination shall be made in any State among the[+e867052]The right [-e867052]t[+e867032]o[-e867052] vote and hold of[+e867032]f[-e867052]ice in the United States and the several States and Territories shall belong to all male[+e867032] any [-e866904]citizens[+e866904] of the United Stawho are [+e867032]in the exercise of the elective franchise[+e867052]t[+e867032 -e867052]wenty-[+e867032]o[+e867032 -e867052]ne[+e867032] [+e867032 -e867052]years old,[+e867032]tes to [-e867032]vote [-e867052]w[+e867032]an[+e866904] h[+e867032 -e867052]ave not been or[+e867032]d hold of[+e866904 -e867032]fice [+e866904]shall not [-e867052]uly convict[+e867032]be [-e867032]denif [+e867032]t[+e867032 -e867052]reason o[+e867032]r[+e867032 -e867052] other infamous crime: Prov[+e867032]ed or[-e867032] ab[-e867052]ri, Th[+e867032]a[+e867032 -e867052]t[+e867032] nothin[+e867032 -e867052]g herein contain[+e867032]dged by the[-e867032]n[+e867038 -e867052] [-e867052]Unishall d[+e867032]ep[+e867032 -e867052]rive the several [+e867032]ted Sta[-e867032]tef the right to[+e867032] make[+e867032 -e867052] such[+e867032] [+e867032 -e867052]registration laws as shal[+e867032]l[+e867032 -e867052] be de[+e867032]e[+e867032 -e867052]med necessa[+e867032]r[+e867032 -e867052]y to guard the purity of[+e867032]in[+e867052] e[+e867032 -e867052]lecti[+e867032]s[-e867032],[+e866904 -e867032] or[-e867032] by[+e866904 -e867032] any Sta[-e867032]tes[+e867032], [+e866904]on a[+e866904 -e867032]c[+e866904]d [+e867032]c[+e866904]o fix the ter[+e867032]m[+e867032 -e867052]s[+e867032]ount[+e866904] [-e866904]esi[+e867032]d[+e867032 -e867052]ence[+e867032] w[+e867032 -e867052]hich shall precede [+e867032]right to hold office in[+e867052]the exercise[+e867032 -e867052]b[-e867052]y reason o[-e867032]f f the [+e867032]right to vote: And[+e867032]aceovided, That the United States and the s[+e867032], eral States shall have the r[+e867032]cght t[+e867032]o fix the age and other q[+e867032]lalification[+e867032]orfor offi[+e867032],[+e866904]e under their respective juris[+e867032]nativity, property, educa[+e867052]d[+e867032 -e867052]ict[+e867032]i[+e867032 -e867052] [-e867052]os, which sai[+e867032]r reg[+e867032] stra[+e867032]previlaws, terms [+e867032]ousre[+e867032] idence, age, and ot[+e867032],[+e867052]h[+e867032]cr creed[+e867052]o[-e867052] [+e867032 -e867052]qualifications shall be uniformly applicable to all male citizens of the United States[+e867032]nditio[-e867032]n of slav[-e866904]ervitude[+e866904]y of any citizen or class of citizens of the United States[-e866904].

Sec. 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce by proper legislation the provisions of this article.

Decisions yet to be taken

  • H. Res. 402 (introduced on 1869-02-03 12:00:00 - CREATE_FROM - e866900) [This document]

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