United States Fifteenth Amendment

The House of Representatives

The House of Representatives of the Fortieth Session of Congress

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

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Document introduced in:

Session 7892: 1868-01-31 12:00:00

The resolutions on the contested election case of Smith vs. Brown are considered

Document View (with components):

First Committee Resolution on the Contested Election Case of Smith vs. Brown

Shown with amendment 'First Committee Resolution on the Contested Election Case of Smith vs. Brown: Minority Substitute' (e714762)

(Showing state at moment e714913)
There are 2 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Resolved, That Samuel E. Smith, not having received a majority of the votes cast for Representative in this House from the second congressional district of Kentucky, is not entitled to a seat therein as such Representative. [+e714762]


Resolved, That John Young Brown, not[+e714762] having voluntarily given aid, countenance, counsel, or[+e714762]and[-e714762] encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility to the United States, and having receiv[+e714762]is not entitl[-e714762]ed a majori[+e714762]ty [+e714762]of[+e714762] the votes cast in the second district of Kentucky for[+e714762]ake the oath of office as a[-e714762] Representative in this House, is entitled to admi[+e714762] from the second congre[-e714762]ssion, and to take[+e714762]al district of Kentucky, or[-e714762] to [-e714762]hold a s[-e714762]eat[-e714762] oa[+e714762]th of office[+e714762]erein[-e714762] as a[+e714762]such[-e714762] Representative from said district[+e714762].

Decisions yet to be taken

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