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Document introduced in:

Session 11907: 1860-12-12 12:00:00

More members join the House. Various members present Resolutions to instruct the Committee of Thirty-Three on the slavery question.

Document View:

Resolution on Sectional Controversy and Slavery

Shown with amendment 'None' (e811999)

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Resolved, That for the purpose of doing justice, and securing peace and prosperity, the committee of thirty-three be instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing for the settlement of the present unfortunate and sectional controversy upon the following basis: 1. The Territories of the United States to be equitably divided between the slaveholding and non-slaveholding sections, slavery to be prohibited in that portion set apart for the non-slaveholding, and to be recognized in that, portion set apart for the slaveholding section, the status of each upon the subject of slavery to remain unchanged during the ter-ritorial condition; but that when the population in any portion of the territory set apart to either section shall equal or exceed the ratio required for a Representative in Congress, and the people shall have formed and ratified a constitution, and asked admission into the Union as a State, such State shall be admitted with or without slavery, as such constitution may prescribe. 2. The rights of property in the slaveholding States, and in the portion of the territories set apart for the slaveholding section, shall not be destroyed or impaired by legislation in Congress, in the Territories or in the non-slaveholding States; and when-ever a fugitive slave shall be rescued from his master, or from the proper United States officers, by reason of mob violence or State legislation in conflict with the Constitution or laws of the United States, or whenever a slave shall, in like manner, be rescued from his master while in transition through any non-slaveholding State, the city, county, or township in which such rescue is made shall be liable to the master in double the value of the slave, recoverable in the United States courts.

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