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Document introduced in:

Session 11907: 1860-12-12 12:00:00

More members join the House. Various members present Resolutions to instruct the Committee of Thirty-Three on the slavery question.

Document View:

Resolution on the Enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Clause

Shown with amendment 'None' (e811918)

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Whereas one of the chief complaints on the part of the slaveholding States of this Confederacy is the neg-lect, and failure of certain Executives of northern States to deliver up fugitives from justice, indicted for treason, murder, and slave stealing, in said slave States: Therefore,

Resolved, That the committee of thirty-three, for the establishment of comity between the States, be required to consider what, if any, further legislation is necessary to carry out the second clause of the second section of article four of the Constitution of the United States, for the de-livery of fugitives who shall flee from justice in one State and be found in another State, on demand of the executive authority of the State from which such fugitive shall have fled; and that such inquiry be made with special aim to punish all judges, attorneys general, Executives, and other State officers who shall obstruct the execution of such clause of the Constitution, either in respect to the delivery of felons who may be indicted for treason or murder, or attempted slave insurrections, or indicted tor slave stealing.

Decisions yet to be taken


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