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Document introduced in:

Session 11907: 1860-12-12 12:00:00

More members join the House. Various members present Resolutions to instruct the Committee of Thirty-Three on the slavery question.

Document View:

Joint Resolution to Amend the Constitution on the Slavery Question

Shown with amendment 'None' (e811895)

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Whereas a conflict of opinion dangerous to the peace and permanence of the Union has arisen concerning the true intent and meaning of the Constitution of the United States in relation to the subject of African slavery: There-fore,

Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives, &c., (two thuds of both Houses concurring,) That the following articles be proposed as amendments to the Constitution of the United States; which, when ratified by con-ventions in three fourths of the several States, shall be valid as parts of said Constitution, viz:

Art. —. In all territory of the United States lying north of 36° 30 north latitude, and not included within the limits of any of the existing States, slavery and involuntary servitude, except in punishment of crime, shall be, and are hereby, prohibited: Provided, That the said territory, or any portion of the same, when admitted as a State, shall be received into the Union with or without slavery, as its constitution may prescribe at the time of its admission.

Art. —. In all territory of the United States lying south of 36° 30 north latitude, not included within the limits of any existing State, neither Congress nor any territorial gov- eminent shall pass any law prohibiting or impairing the establishment of slavery: Provided always, That the said Territory, or any part of the same, when admitted as a State, shall be received into the Union with or without slavery, as its constitution may prescribe at the time of admission.

Art. —. Congress shall pass no law prohibiting or interfering with the trade in slaves between the several slaveholding States and Territories.

Art. —. The migration or importation of slaves into the United States or any of the Territories thereof, from any foreign country, is hereby prohibited.

Art. —. No person held to service or labor in any State or in any Territory of the United States, under the laws thereof. escaping into any other State or Territory of the United States, shall, in consequence of any law or resignation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered upon claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due.

Art. —. The right of transit through and temporary so-journ in the several States and Territories of the United States, is hereby guarantied to all the citizens of the several States and Territories; and their right to the possession and control of their slaves during such transit and sojourn shall not be infringed.

Art. —. No law enacted by Congress for the rendition of fugitive slaves shall be in any degree impaired or infringed by anything contained in the laws or constitution of any State or Territory; but all such State and territorial laws and all such provisions in any State or other constitution shall be wholly null and void.

Decisions yet to be taken


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