Wyoming State Constitutional Convention 1889

The Wyoming Constitution Convention began September 2, 1889 without the authorization from an enabling act. The articles were individually voted on, creating the final Constitution of Wyoming on September 30, 1889. It was later ratified on November 5, 1889.

The Convention

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

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Document introduced in:

Session 5530: 1889-09-05 10:00:00

A list of standing committees was drafted. The drafts of each section of the Constitution were read and referred to the respective committee.

Document View:

Journal of 1889-09-03

Shown with amendment 'None' (e711256)

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.




Cheyenne, Wyo., Sept. 3, 1889.

The convention was called to order at 10 o’clock A. M.

The temporary president in the chair. Roll call, 41 members present.

The committee on credentials reported the presence of Mr. Louis J. Palmer, a duly elected member of this convention, from the county of Sweetwater. Mr Palmer took the oath of office administered by Justice of Peace W. P. Carroll. The journal of the previous session was read and approved. The resolution offered by Mr. Fox, to proceed to the election of a permanent president of this convention, being the unfinished business of the previous session, was taken up and adopted.

On motion of Mr. Brown, a recess of five minutes was ordered.

On reconvening, Mr. Teschemacher moved that the election of president of the convention be by ballot, and that a majority vote should elect. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Chaplin, the chair appointed three tellers: Messrs. Potter, Scott and Preston.

Mr. Downey moved that nominations for president of the convention be made by counties. Adopted.

Albany County, by Mr. Hoyt, presented Melville C. Brown.

Carbon – no nomination.

Converse – no nomination.

Crook – Mr. Scott presented the name of A. B. Conaway.

Fremont – Mr. Preston seconded the nomination of M. C. Brown.

Johnson – Mr. Burritt seconded the nomination of M. C. Brown.

Laramie – no nomination.

Sheridan – Mr. Coffeen seconded the nomination of M. C. Brown.

Sweetwater – no nomination.

Uinta – seconded the nomination of A. B. Conaway.

The ballot resulted as follows:

Brown 24

Conaway 17

Hoyt 1

Baxter 1

The chair thereupon declared that Melville C. Brown had been duly elected president of this convention.

On motion of Mr. Irvine, the election of Mr. Brown was made unanimous by acclamation.

The president pro tem appointed Messrs. Hoyt and Baxter a committee to conduct the president elect to the chair.

On motion of Mr. Riner the convention took a recess until 2 o’clock p. m.


The convention reconvened at two o’clock p. m.

The temporary president in the chair.

On motion of Mr. Downey, the Hon. Delegate in Congress, and the Governor and Secretary of the Territory were invited to seats on the floor. Anthony C. Campbell of Laramie County appeared and took the oath of office, administered by Justice of Peace W. P. Carroll.

Messrs. Hoyt and Bater, select committee, conducted the president elect to the chair, who thereupon delivered an address to the convention.

Prayer by Rev. S. A. Bright.

Mr. Coffeen moved that the President appoint a committee of five, to draft and to present to the convention, as soon as possible, such rules as may be necessary for the government of this body. Carried.

The president appointed as such committee.

Messrs. Coffeen of Sheridan,

Foote of Uinta,

Campbell of Laramie,

Preston of Fremont,

Burritt of Johnson.

Mr. Baxter presented the following resolution:

Resolved, That the permanent organization of this convention be completed by the election of one secretary, two assistant secretaries, one sergeant-at-arms, one doorkeeper, one chaplain, and two pages. Adopted.

J. K. Jeffrey was chosen secretary by acclamation. A ballot ordered for the choice of two assistant secretaries resulted in in the election of Mrs. B. Recker and H. Glafcke. O. P. Yelton, on motion of Mr. Teschemacher, was chosen sergeant-at-arms. J.B. Walsh was elected doorkeeper. Rev. S. A. Bright, chaplain, and Corlett Downey and Fred Post, Jr., were chosen pages by acclamation.

On motion of Mr. Campbell the committee on rules was increased to eleven members, and the president made the following additional appointments on said committee:

Albany, Mr. Chaplin,

Crook, Mr. Frank,

Sweetwater, Mr. Conway,

Converse, Mr. Barrow,

Carbon, Mr. Burdick.

Mr Hay offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the president, to be known as the ways and means commission, whose duty it shall be to fix the compensation of the officers of the convention, and to suggest ways and means for providing the funds to meet the necessary cash expense of the convention. This to be a temporary committee who shall report as early as possible to the convention.

The president appointed as such committee Messrs. Hay, Fox, Vagner, Nickerson and Clark.

On motion of Mr. Potter, the question of employing an official stenographer was referred to the committee on ways and means.

Mr. Downey moved that the secretary be instructed to procure books and stationary necessary for the transaction of the business of this convention. Adopted.

Mr. Hoyt presented the following resolution: Resolved, That a committee of five, to be named by the president, be appointed, whose duty it shall be to report at the earliest moment practicable the titles of the standing committees deemed necessary as a means of facilitating the work of drafting a constitution of Wyoming.

The resolution was lost.

Mr. Burritt moved a reconsideration of the resolution appointing a committee on rules. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Hoyt the subject of standing committees was referred to the committee on rules.

Mr. Morgan moved that the members originally named by the president, as the committee on rules, shall constitute the committee on rules. Carried.

On motion of Mr. Riner, the convention adjourned till ten o’clock a. m., Sept. 4th.

M. C. BROWN, Pres. Con.

H. S. ELLIOTT, Pres. pro tem.

Attest: JOHN K: JEFFREY, Secretary.

Decisions yet to be taken


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