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Document introduced in:

Session 15951: 1910-10-28 09:00:00

The Committee receives a petition on prohibition.

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Petition to Incorporate in the Constitution an Article Forbidding the Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors

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To the Representatives of the People of Arizona in Constitutional Convention Assembled. Gentlemen: Knowing the open saloon to be the curse of thousands of our sisters, bringing shame and misery and poverty to them, and knowing also that the open saloon is the cause of three-fourths of the crime, insanity, and poverty in our Territory, and knowing that the awful danger of drunkenness threatens our children so long as the open saloon is allowed to exist in Arizona; and Being convinced that little relief will be afforded if the matter is left to the Legislature because of the notoriously unscrupulous character of the saloon business and its influence with Legislatures, Therefore, we, the women of Arizona, helpless and without the ballot to protect ourselves or our children do hereby respectfully petition you to incorporate in the Constitution as presented to the people and article forbidding the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors in the State of Arizona.

Decisions yet to be taken