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Meeting of the Butler-Nally Group – 13 June 1993

Writing Peace: Dermot Nally Collection


Photocopied note by Nally of his meeting with Butler on 13 June 1993. The report is addressed to Reynolds and marked “secret and personal”. [The meeting was held following the handover of JD6 on 6 June 1993, which was the proposal under discussion.] Nally urged the value of the most recent proposals or the "Sinn Fein document" which he also stressed had the support of the Provisional Army Council. Robin Butler indicated that the document was still unacceptable to the British Government but did not rule out work on a further draft. Further includes Nally’s handwritten notes on the meeting.

P254 1993
downing street declaration paramilitary activity (republican) east/west cooperation ground rules and procedural challenges in the talks articles 2 & 3/irish constitution consent principle paramilitary activity (loyalist) self-determination

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