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Document introduced in:

Session 16490: 1889-07-30 14:00:00

The sub-committee was created, and tasked with composing two articles, to be reported to each Convention, with regard to the Territorial debts and liabilities.

The Dakotas Joint Committee for the Division of Property 1889

Committee on Territorial Debts and Liabilities

Session 16490: 1889-07-30 14:00:00

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Document View:

Instructions for the Committee on Territorial Debts and Liabilities

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

[The Convention requests that Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Purcell draft two articles with regard to the territorial debts and liabilities the respective States shall assume, which shall be reported, one to each Convention.]

Decisions yet to be taken