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Document introduced in:

Session 12585: 1991-05-14 07:00:00

The Government team issues a proposal which is discussed with the SDLP and Alliance parties on 14 May. Communication with the Unionist delegation also take place but we have no minuted notes of a formal meeting with the delegation.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Office of the Strand 1 Chairman (British Government Delegation)

Session 12585: 1991-05-14 07:00:00

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Meeting Adjournment

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Position of Unionist Leaders on Monday 13 May 1991 1100

The Unionist leadership was under considerable pressure, particularly in the media.

Provided Strand 2 was started in London, they would be prepared to hold Bilaterals elsewhere, along the lines of those conceived for Strand 1.

There would be no agreement unless Articles 2 and 3 were dealt with as part of the Talks process. The Unionists were prepared to consider meetings in Northern Ireland once it was clear that the Irish Government were seriously considering Articles 2 and 3, as this would remove a long-standing obstacle in the Unionist tradition. Bilaterals between the Secretary of State and the Unionists, and between the Irish government and the Secretary of State should be used to establish whether there was common ground. Bilaterals could take place in a mutually convenient location.

Decisions yet to be taken

  • Meeting Adjournment (introduced on 1991-05-14 07:00:00 - CREATE_FROM - e949990) [This document]