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Session 12474: 1991-05-08 07:00:00

Conclusions from bilateral meetings on 7 May and 8 May are considered and compiled by the Chairman before being presented to the other delegations.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Office of the Strand 1 Chairman (British Government Delegation)

Session 12474: 1991-05-08 07:00:00

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Conclusions of Meeting with Alliance on 7 May 1991

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A Record of the Bilateral Meeting Between the Government and the Alliance Party 7 May 1991

The Alliance Party were prepared to talk at any time, to anybody and anywhere. The only issue for them was one of practicality. Their preferences, in order, were Parliament Buildings, London and a peripatetic formula. These preferences were simply on the practical level; they would be content with any location, provided the party were given any necessary support.

The Alliance Party also said that in their view the credibility of the talks process was being put at risk by the delay in agreeing a location for the second strand and moving into plenary discussion; they urged the Secretary of State to reach agreement as soon as possible.

The Alliance Party were irritated by the fact that the media appeared to have a clear grasp of what had transpired in meetings the previous week.

Dr Alderdice offered to participate in a meeting of party leaders if that would be helpful.

Decisions yet to be taken