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Current Document View

Document introduced in:

Session 14265: 1992-06-09 09:00:00

Papers and reports on the work of the Sub-Committee are shown passing in and out of the Office of the Chairman

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Office of the Strand 1 Chairman (British Government Delegation)

Session 14265: 1992-06-09 09:00:00

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Document View:

Messages from the DUP, UUP and Alliance to the Secretary of State regarding perceived intransigence of the SDLP

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

[The view of the other three parties was that a plenary should be recalled immediately. If the SDLP still refused to offer any movement at that meeting the three other parties would continue consideration of the 3 June paper on their own and would make it clear that the SDLP had refused to negotiate.]

Decisions yet to be taken