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Document introduced in:

Session 14200: 1992-06-08 09:00:00

Meeting of the Sub-Committee. In the week commencing 8 June, most Sub-Committee meetings seem to have taken place in their respective Sub-Groups. One Sub-Group considered 'Westminister Links' while the other worked on the 'Outline Framework Document'. Papers are sent from the Sub-Committee as a whole to the Plenary and, as the minutes of discussion are scant, we are not modelling the Sub-Groups as separate Quill committees.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Political Structures Sub-Committee

Session 14200: 1992-06-08 09:00:00

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Document View:

Annotated Agenda for the Westminster Links Sub-Committee

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

5 June 1992



1. Role of the Secretary of State

(The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland would remain accountable to Parliament for matters which were not transferred.)

2. Excepted and Reserved matters

("Excepted" matters would be remain the responsibility of the UK government; "reserved" matters could be moved into the transferred category at some future date. All other matters could be "transferred". The precise extent of the categories would need to to be decided.)

3. Legislation on "Excepted" matters

(Primary legislation on "excepted" matters would be by Bill at Westminster. [NB There is a power to make electoral law by Order-in-Council.] Assembly could have powers to make ancillary provisions on "excepted" matters with Secretary of State's consent; those provisions could be laid before Parliament).

4. Legislation on Reserved matters

(Legislation on reserved matters could be

i. by Measure of the Assembly with the Secretary of State's consent and subsequently laid before Parliament; or

ii. by Bill; or

iii. by Order-in-Council [affirmative or negative resolution]

Parliamentary time would be an important constraint.)

5. Consultation on Proposed Legislation

(The Assembly might be consulted by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on proposals for Orders-in-Council on reserved matters.)

6. Financial matters

(For initial discussion in other sub-group.)

7. EC matters

(For initial discussion in other sub-group.)

8. Scrutiny of Executive Functions

(The possible establishment of a Northern Ireland Select Committee would be a matter for the House of Commons).

9. Other Issues


Decisions yet to be taken