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Session 13983: 1992-06-01 12:30:00

Wash up meeting between various officials and the Secretary of State to discuss if and when the Prime Minister should be involved in the Talks.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Office of the Strand 1 Chairman (British Government Delegation)

Session 13983: 1992-06-01 12:30:00

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Message from the Private Secretary of the Prime Minister

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10 Downing Street

London SW1A 2AA

From the Private Secretary

1 June 1992

Dear William, [Editor's note: Handwritten]


The Prime Minister was grateful to Sir Patrick Mayhew for his minute of 29 May. The Prime Minister has commented that he has no intention of letting John Hume stop progress. He is content to proceed as the Northern Ireland Secretary proposes including a meeting with the Northern Ireland leaders, if necessary (possibly preceded by a private meeting with Mr. Hume alone). If the talks break down, the Prime Minister's instinct is to try to go ahead without the agreement of the parties.

As we discussed, the Prime Minister is away on Friday and all of the following week. We could arrange a meeting this week if necessary but it would involve disruption of a very crowded diary.

I am copying this letter to the Private Secretaries to members of NI Committee and to Sir Robin Butler.


Stephen [Editor's Note: Signed by hand]

(J. S. WALL)

William Fittall, Esq.,

Northern Ireland Office.

Decisions yet to be taken