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Document introduced in:

Session 13143: 1992-11-03 12:30:00

Conclusions of a bilateral with the Alliance Party.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Office of the Strand 1 Chairman (British Government Delegation)

Session 13143: 1992-11-03 12:30:00

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Document View:

Conclusions of the Bilateral Alliance 3 November 1992

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Conclusions of the Bilateral Alliance 3 November 1992

Mr Morrow expressed concern that there was now no chance of reaching Heads of Agreement, not least because of the Irish Governmental crisis. Mr Hanley sought to convince the Alliance otherwise, suggesting it was still important to maximise what could be achieved from the talks process.

Mr Neeson argued that the Irish Government would not agree to amend Articles 2 & 3 before an election, which might make it difficult to keep the DUP within the process. Mr Fell explained that if there were to be an election in the Republic, they would be brought to a halt in some way. Further party talks could always be organised later, though the Alliance were sceptical towards the prospect of the parties continuing talks amongst themselves.

Different options for handling the end of the talks were explored and discussion ensued, though ultimately, the Alliance remained convinced that one could not sell failure as success, and ought not to try.

Decisions yet to be taken