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Session 12685: 1991-05-22 07:00:00

The Joint Unionist Position Paper of 21 May has been completed. The Secretary of State now seeks to resolve outstandig issues concerning the venue for Strand 2 and the terms of reference for the independent chairman. The identity of the chairman is considered to be a matter for the two governments.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Office of the Strand 1 Chairman (British Government Delegation)

Session 12685: 1991-05-22 07:00:00

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Document View:

Unionist Position Paper: Terms of Reference for the Independent Chairman

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Terms of Reference & Standing Orders of the Independent Chairman


1. A definition of Strand 2 to be included in the chairman's terms of reference. This has previously been described by the Secretary of State as "those discussions held to consider the

relationship between a Northern Ireland administration and the Irish Republic".

2. The presiding officer shall be appointed to convene and chair all meetings, whether plenary or other, held under the Strand 2 section of the talks.

3. Stipulation regarding "independence" - each participant (ie the two governments and the four Northern Ireland Parties) must be regarded and treated equitably.

4. No private brief to chairman by appointing parties.

5. Need to work according to agreement already reached regarding venue.

6. The term of appointment will be for the duration of the talks process.

7. Role as chairman of meetings - authority in the chair.

8. The chairman will ensure that suitable minutes are kept of each meeting, and that these minutes are distributed to those entitled to receive them.

9. While the chairman will report the outcome of meetings, any task undertaken by the chairman in exploring the contrasts or commonality in the positions of the parties shall be exercised at the request of the participants.

10. Power to convene plenary, bilateral and other non-plenary meetings on request of participating parties.

11. The chairman, in consultation with all the participants, will determine the agenda for meetings of Strand 2 talks.

12. The chairman may adjourn a meeting either to ensure the good conduct of the discussions or in consultations with the participants. Equally a delegation may propose an adjournment, such adjournment not to be unreasonably withheld.

13. Consultation with all parties by chairman. Each party shall have a right of access to the chairman.

14. Restricted to meeting participating delegations only.

15. Ability to direct staff (seconded from host government).

16. No press or public comment by or on behalf of the chairman.

17. Agreement of all parties on any procedure not previously set down.

(22nd May, 1991)

Decisions yet to be taken