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Session 12560: 1991-05-09 14:05:00

Bilateral meeting between the Government Team and the SDLP at Parliament Buildings on 9 May 1991 at 14:05.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

British-SDLP Talks

Session 12560: 1991-05-09 14:05:00

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Document View:

Agenda for Afternoon Sessions on 9 May/Summary of Positions at 14:00 on 9 May

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Agenda for Afternoon Sessions on 9 May

Location of Strand 2: Unionist Amendment

[As things stood, on morning of 9 May, the Unionists had rejected the possibility of conducting Strand 2 discussions in Northern Ireland; the SDLP had rejected the possibility of a 'neutral' venue.]

Chairmanship of Strand 2

[The Unionists had expressed their opinion that the Secretary of State should chair Strand 2; this should be discussed with the SDLP.]

Decisions yet to be taken