U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2021 Edition)

Grand Convention at Philadelphia, May to September, 1787, Quill Project 2021 Edition.

Committee of Style and Arrangement

Committee charged with redrafting the version of the Constitution proposed by the Committee of Detail and amended by the Convention.

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

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Document introduced in:

Session 6324: 1787-09-12 15:00:00

Report on Articles XXII and XXIII created.

Document View (with components):

Report on Ratification and Enactment of Constitution

(Showing state at moment e675853)
There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.


Resolved that the preceeding[+e675851]This[-e675851] Constitution shall [-e675851]be laid before the United States in Congress assembled, and that [+e675851]it is the opinion of this Convention that it should be [-e675851]afterwards be [+e675851]submitted to a Convention of Delegates,[+e675851] chosen in each State by the People thereof[+e675851], under the recommendation of it[+e675851]s Legislature; f[+e675851], in [-e675851]order[-e675851] their assent and[+e675851]o receive the[-e675851] ratification.[+e675851] and that each Conventi[+e675851]on assenting to, and rati[+e675851]fying, the[+e675851] same should give notice thereof to the United States in C[+e675851]uch Conventi[-e675851]ongress assembled[+e675851].


Resolved that[+e675851]To introduce this government,[-e675851] it is the opinion of this Convention,[-e675851] that as soon as the[+e675851]each assenting[-e675851] Conventions of nine States, shall have[+e675851] should notify its assent and[-e675851] ratified this Constitution,[+e675851]cation to[-e675851] the United States in Congress assembled should fix a day, on which Electors should be appointed by the States which shall have ratified[+e675851]; that Congress, after receiving[-e675851] the same:[+e675851]assent[-e675851] and a day on which[+e675851]ratification of[-e675851] the Electors should assemble to vote for the Preside[+e675851]Conventions of nine States, should appoi[-e675851]nt:[+e675851] and the Time[+e675851]publish a day, as early as may be,[-e675851] and P[+e675851]appoint a p[-e675851]lace for commencing proceedings under this c[+e675851]C[-e675851]onstitution T[+e675851]; t[-e675851]hat after such publication,[-e675851] the electors should be appointed, and[+e675851]Legislatures of[-e675851] the Senators and Representatives elected: Th[+e675851]several St[-e675851]at th[+e675851]e Elector[+e675851]s should m[+e675851]eet on the Day fixed for the E[+e675851]lection of the President, and should transmit[+e675851] Members of[-e675851] their votes certified, signed, sealed[+e675851] Senate[-e675851], and directed, as[+e675851] the Constitu[+e675851]elec[-e675851]tion requires, to[+e675851]of Members of[-e675851] the Secretary[+e675851]House[-e675851] of the United States in Congress assembled,[+e675851]Representatives; and[-e675851] that the Senators and representatives[+e675851]Members of the Legislature[-e675851] should convene[+e675851]meet[-e675851] at the T[+e675851]t[-e675851]ime and place assigned, that the Senators should appoint a P[+e675851] by Cong[-e675851]resident of the Senate for the [+e675851]sole purpose of receiving, opening[+e675851], and counting the votes for President; and that after he shall[+e675851]should, as soon as may[-e675851] be chosen[+e675851], af[-e675851]th[+e675851]e Cong[+e675851]ress[+e675851] toge[+e675851]ther with the President should without delay[+e675851]ir meeting,[-e675851] proceed to execute this Constitution.

Decisions yet to be taken


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