Committee: The Convention

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
655313 Call to Order: 1889-09-02, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention be called to order.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654547 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Temporary Organization None 0 PROCEDURE [That a committee on temporary organization be appointed, to consist of one member from each county.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654566 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee recesses for 30 minutes.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
734104 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Temporary Organization None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the Committee on Temporary Organization be adopted.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
958162 Address by Elliot None 0 PROCEDURE On assuming the chair Hon. H. S. Elliot made the following remarks: Gentlemen of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention--I thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me this afternoon; and I think I can truly say that the honor is as unexpected as it is pleasant to me. I take it as a compliment to Northern Wyoming. I feel it to be a declaration that we meet here not as politicians, not as members of a party, but as the representatives of the people of the territory of Wyoming. [Applause.] And I can say that I believe that this is the only true spirit in which we can proceed; that if our constitution in any way shows a learning towards corporations of any class that the people will not ratify it when it is submitted to them. Under these circumstances it is necessary that we proceed cautiously and carefully in regard to the rights of all, to give to each and every man, whether public or private, the same exact rights and justice under our constitution. If we do that I am sure the constitution will be ratified at the polls. [Applause.] Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
654580 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Credential None 0 PROCEDURE [T]hat a committee on credentials be appointed to consist of one member from each county. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654601 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [...]that a recess of thirty minutes be taken. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654603 Call to Order: 1889-09-02, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention be called to order.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
734110 Motion to Receive and Adopt the Report of the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report of the committee on credentials be received and adopted.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654609 Motion to Select Seats None 0 PROCEDURE that the members proceed to select seats. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
734112 Motion to Select Seats by Lottery None 0 PROCEDURE [that the motion to select seats be amended to select seats by lottery.] Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
654614 Motion to Administer the Oath of Office to the Members of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That Justice of the Peace W. P. Carroll, of Cheyenne, be requested to administer the oath of office to the members of this convention.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654617 Motion to Appoint a Committee on Permanent Offices None 0 PROCEDURE [That a committee to consist of one delegate from each county (to be named by delegation) be appointed to suggest what offices will be necessary and should be created by the permanent organization.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654618 Motion to Expand the Role of the Committee on Permanent Officers None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee be further instructed to suggest ways and means for the payment of salaries of officers and other expenses.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654619 Motion to Elect the Permanent President of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That this convention do now proceed to the election of a permanent president of this convention.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654620 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-02, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE that the convention adjourn until to-morrow (Tuesday) at 10 o’clock a. m. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
654926 Call to Order: 1889-09-03, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention be called to order.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
654932 Oath of Office Administered to Louis J. Palmer None 0 PROCEDURE [That Mr. Palmer take the oath of office administered by Justice of Peace W. P. Carroll.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654940 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Brown, a recess of five minutes was ordered. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654942 Motion to Elect the President of the Convention by Ballot None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Teschemacher moved that the election of president of the convention be by ballot, and that a majority vote should elect. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654947 Motion to Nominate a President of the Convention by County. None 0 PROCEDURE that nominations for president of the convention be made by counties. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654963 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Riner the convention took a recess until 2 o’clock p. m. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654965 Call to Order: 1889-09-03, 14:00:00 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention reconvene at two o’clock p. m.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654967 Motion to Allow the Territorial Authorities on the Floor of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That the Hon. Delegate in Congress, and the Governor and Secretary of the Territory be invited to seats on the floor.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
654974 Motion to Conduct the President to the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. Hoyt and Baxter, select committee, conducted the president elect to the chair, Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
977569 Address by Brown AGENDAITEM 0 PROCEDURE On assuming the chair Judge Brown delivered the following address: Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
654976 Prayer: 1889-09-03 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by Rev. S. A. Bright. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655360 Motion to Adopt the Rules of the Tenth Legislative Assembly as Temporary Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Downey, of Laramie, moved the adoption of the council rules of the tenth legislative assembly until the permanent rules were adopted. Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
736448 Motion to Report Titles of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Hoyt of Laramie, wanted a committee to report titles of the standing committees. Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
654978 Motion to Appoint the Committee of Five on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Coffeen moved that the President appoint a committee of five, to draft and to present to the convention, as soon as possible, such rules as may be necessary for the government of this body. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655148 Motion to Increase the Number of Members to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Campbell the committee on rules was increased to eleven members, Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655294 Motion to Refer the Question of an Official Stenographer to the Committee on Ways and Means None 0 PROCEDURE [That the question of employing an official stenographer be referred to the committee on ways and means.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655298 Motion to Instruct the Secretary to Procure the Necessary Material None 0 PROCEDURE that the secretary be instructed to procure books and stationery necessary for the transaction of the business of this convention. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655305 Motion to Reconsider: Resolution on Committee on Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Burritt moved a reconsideration of the resolution appointing a committee on rules. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655307 Motion to Refer the Subject of Standing Committees to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That the subject of standing committees be referred to the committee on rules.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
655309 Motion to Affirm the Members of the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE that the members originally named by the president, as the committee on rules, shall constitute the committee on rules. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655311 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-03, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention adjourn till ten o’clock a. m., Sept. 4th.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655517 Call to Order: 1889-09-04, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention be called to order at 10 o’clock a. m.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655519 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplain. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
655539 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention resolve itself into committee of the whole for the consideration of the report of the committee on rules.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656164 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be adopted.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656166 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-04 None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention stand in recess until two o’clock p. m.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656168 Call to Order: 1889-09-04, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention convene at two o’clock p. m.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656170 Motion to Resolve Into Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention go into committee of the whole for the consideration of the report of the committee on rules.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656630 Motion to Refer the Report on Amendments to the Rules of the Convention to the Committee on Rules None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules, as amended by the committee of the whole, be referred to the committee on rules.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656632 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention thereupon take a recess of twenty minutes.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656830 Motion to Approve the Report of the Committee on Rules and Discharge Said Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [That the above report adopted and the committee on rules discharge.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656832 Motion to Adopt the Rules of the Convention as Amended. None 0 PROCEDURE [That the rules be adopted as the rules to govern this convention.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656817 Point of Personal Privilege: Mr. Coffeen Opposes the Constitutional Convention None 0 PROCEDURE [That I was instructed [...] to oppose the formation of a state constitution at this time,] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656819 Motion to Instruct the Secretary to Procure 100 Copies of the Rules of the Convention. None 0 PROCEDURE [That the secretary be instructed to procure 100 printed copies of the rules.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656822 Motion to Instruct the Secretary to Acquire the Copies of the Rules of the Convention from the Office of the Cheyenne Daily Sun None 0 PROCEDURE [That the secretary be instructed to get the rules printed at the office of the Cheyenne Daily Sun.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657085 Motion to Receive the Report from the Committee of Ways and Means and to Grant Them More Time None 0 PROCEDURE [That the report be received and further time granted.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657087 Motion to Employ Louise Smith as Official Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE [...] that Miss Smith be employed as official stenographer, in accordance with the report of the committee on ways and means. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657088 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-04, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention adjourn until ten o’clock, a. m., Sept. 5th.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
984191 Invitation to Informally Discuss in the Evening None 0 PROCEDURE [That I would be glad to receive suggestions from the members with reference to formation of committees, and invite to a conference at the hotel at evening. It is my desire to made up the committees in such a manner as would be mutually satisfactory to all interests and sections represented.] Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
656757 Call to Order: 1889-09-05, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention assemble at ten o'clock a. m.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656911 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplain. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
984560 Oath of Office Administered to N. Baldwin None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Grant the report was adopted, and Mr. Baldwin was sworn in by Justice W. P. Carroll. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656926 Motion to Administer the Oath of Office None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Fox the oath of office was then administered by Justice Carroll to Assistant Secretaries Mrs. B. Recker and H. Glafcke, Sergeant-at-arms O. P. Yelton and Doorkeeper J. B. Walsh. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656934 Motion to Employ an Official Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention employ an official stenographer.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656936 Motion to Not Employ an Official Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE that we do not employ an official stenographer. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657177 Motion to Employ an Official Stenographer: Mr. Teschemacher's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE that we do employ an official stenographer. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657178 Motion to Conduct a Roll Call Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. McCandlish called for the yeas and nays on this question. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657184 Motion for Miss Louise S. Smith be Appointed Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE that Miss Louise S. Smith be appointed official stenographer. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657186 Motion to Refer the Matter of the Stenographer to the Committee on Ways and Means None 0 PROCEDURE to amend by referring the matter to the committee on ways and means, with power to act. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657188 Motion to Extend the Privileges of the Floor None 0 PROCEDURE [That the privileges of the floor be extended to the Governor and Secretary of the Territory, Delegate in Congress, Judges of the Supreme Court and Ex-Secretary Shannon.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657191 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE [That the convention stand in recess until two o'clock p.m.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
657025 Call to Order: 1889-09-05, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657030 Motion to Print the List of Committees None 0 PROCEDURE [...] I would suggest that the lists of committees be printed with the rules. I think probably it can be gotten in. I will make a motion to that effect. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657195 Motion to Have an Officer Immediately Sent to the Printing Office None 0 PROCEDURE I move that some one of the officers be immediately sent to the printing office with these instructions, as it may save reprinting. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711472 Motion to Refer the Communication from the Governor to the Committee on Miscellaneous Matters None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee be instructed to take charge of the matter, and make provision for such action as may be deemed expedient and proper and report to this convention anything that they may deem it advisable for the convention to do. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711476 Motion to Refer the Communication from the Governor to the Committee on Irrigation None 0 PROCEDURE It seems to me that this matter should be referred to the committee on irrigation, and I move that it be referred to that committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657218 Motion to Accept the Proposition Made by Mr. E. A. Slack None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition made by Mr. E. A. Slack, of the Cheyenne “Sun,” be accepted, Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657226 Motion to Refer the Communication of Mr. Slack to the Printing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move as a substitute to that that the communication of Mr. Slack be referred to the printing committee, Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657230 Motion to Incorporate Mr. President's Suggestion None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we incorporate that last suggestion “under the terms suggested in Mr. Slack’s letter." Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711719 Motion to Read the Resolution to Request the Territorial Librarian Furnish Copies of the Revised Statutes of Wyoming None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to have the resolution which is on the secretary's desk read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657386 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Request the Territorial Librarian Furnish Copies of the Revised Statutes of Wyoming None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of that resolution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657390 Motion for the Sergeant-At-Arms To Act in Place of a Page None 0 PROCEDURE I suppose our sergeant-at-arms will act in place of a page until such time as we can get further help, carrying such communications as may be necessary. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657392 Motion to Read the Resolution on the Manner in which Matters shall be Discussed and Included in the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to offer a resolution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711733 Point of Order: Objection to the Consideration of the Resolution on Which Matters are to be Discussed and Included in Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I object to the consideration of this resolution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658135 Motion to Read the First and Last Line of, and Accept Wholly, Judge Fisher's Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the first and last line of this constitution be read and the constitution accepted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
712069 Motion to Refer Judge Fisher's Constitution to the Committee on Legislative Department None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this proposition be referred to the committee on legislative department, with the request that they divide it up, and report it back to the convention as soon as convenient. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
712078 Point of Order: The Proposition is not Subject to Reference by this Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. I don’t think that that proposition is subject to reference by this convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
712081 Motion to Refer Judge Fisher's Constitution to the Committee on Legislative Department: Mr. Riner's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would further amend Mr. Burritt’s motion by requesting that this bill be read by title only and then referred. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
712085 Point of Order: You can not Amend a Motion that is Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to another point of order. You can not amend a motion that is out of order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658165 Motion to Read the Title to File No. 1 None 0 PROCEDURE Will the secretary read the title to File No. 1? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658169 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take a recess of fifteen minutes Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658171 Call to Order: 1889-09-05, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The gentlemen will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658173 Motion to Let the Record Show that Mr. Clark Obtained a Leave of Absence None 0 PROCEDURE I think that the record ought to show that Mr. Clark is not absent without leave, and for that purpose I will move that Mr. Clark be excused from further attendance upon this convention until such time as his professional duties will permit him to return Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659540 Motion for the Presentation of Resolutions or Propositions be made the Special Order for 1889-09-07 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Saturday, Sept.7, be set aside as the day for the reception of resolutions and propositions. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659542 Motion for the Presentation of Resolutions or Propositions be made the Special Order for 1889-09-07: Mr. Potter's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE That the presentation of resolutions or propositions be made the special order for Saturday. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659548 Motion to Request Secretary Meldrum Address the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I notice that we have present with us the Hon. Secretary of the Territory, and I now move that he be requested to address the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659577 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-05, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657181 Call to Order: 1889-09-06, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention assembled at 10 o'clock a. m. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657183 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657200 Motion to Approve the Journal: 1889-09-05 None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any corrections to the journal? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657237 Motion to Present the Credentials of Mr. Harvey None 0 PROCEDURE At the present time I wish to make my report on the credentials of Mr. Harvey Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657242 Motion to Refer the Credentials of Mr. Harvey to the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE The matter of the credentials of Mr. Harvey will first be considered, and the chair will refer the matter to the committee on credentials for their report and action. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657243 Motion to Read Resolutions by Title and Refer them to the Proper Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the reading of the instruments, of the papers. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657255 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess of five minutes in order that the committee may meet and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657260 Call to Order: 1889-09-06, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657523 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Adopt the Constitution of the United States None 0 PROCEDURE I offer the following resolution and move its adoption Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
985340 Motion to Re-Read the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I would call for a second reading of that resolution Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657535 Motion to Read the Resolutions by Title None 0 PROCEDURE I think under our rules these resolutions might all be read by title so that we might know what questions are being presented as they go to the table. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657541 Motion to Read All the Propositions Presented None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any further propositions? The chair will take up such as have been presented. The secretary will please read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657545 Motion to Read All Propositions at Length None 0 PROCEDURE I rise for the purpose of calling for the reading of all these propositions Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657549 Motion to Suspend the Rules and Present the Credentials of Frederick H. Harvey None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended and that the committee on credentials be requested to report immediately. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657556 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Credentials None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of this committee be accepted and placed on file, and the gentleman, Mr. Harvey, be sworn in. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657559 Frederick H. Harvey is Sworn In None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Harvey is here sworn in. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657804 Motion to Refer File No. 14 to Committee No. 6 on Boundaries and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE The proposition will be referred to Committee No. 6, on Boundaries and Apportionment, unless otherwise ordered by the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657806 Motion to Refer File No. 14 to Committee No. 12, on County, City and Town Organization. None 0 PROCEDURE If I am not too late, it seems to me that it should be referred to Committee No. 12, on County, City and Town Organization. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657808 Motion to Refer File No. 14 to Committee No. 6 on Boundaries and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the motion as made by the gentleman from Laramie, by moving that in stead of referring to the committee mentioned by him, I forget the number, that the matter be referred to committee No 6. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657809 Point of Order: Two Motions to Refer a Proposition Cannot be Made at Once None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The amendment is not in order. Under the rules, any member of the convention may suggest a committee on a motion of reference Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657827 Motion to Refer File No. 14 to Committee No. 6 on Boundaries and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE The motion is now on reference to Committee No. 6. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657838 Motion to Read the Next Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will please read the next proposition. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657845 Motion to Read File No. 16 None 0 PROCEDURE Secretary will please read the next. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657859 Motion to Refer File No. 21 to Committee No. 7 on Public Health and Public Morals, Education, etc. None 0 PROCEDURE I move to refer it to the committee on public health and public morals. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658256 Motion to Refer File No. 21 to Committee No. 1, on Preamble and Declaration of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE The gentleman from Albany suggests that it be referred to committee No. 1. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658263 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn, take a recess I mean, until 2 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658265 Motion to Read the Resolution to the New Mexico Constitutional Convention None 0 PROCEDURE The clerk will please read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658267 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to the New Mexico Constitutional Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Baxter moves the adoption of that resolution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658270 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on Committee No. 10 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is on this motion to reorganize committee No. 10. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658271 Point of Order: An Amendment to the Rules of the Convention Must be Laid on the Table for a Day. None 0 PROCEDURE If that is the case, I suppose he simply means to give notice that to-morrow he will move the adoption of the resolution to amend rule six to that effect. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658273 Personal Privilege: Meeting of Committee No. 2. None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to give a notice about committee No. 2. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658281 Motion to Print the List of Standing Committees on Cards None 0 PROCEDURE I move therefore, that the committee on printing, having in charge the printing of the standing rules, order the standing committees printed upon cards, so that they might be placed before us or carried about with us already for use. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658285 Personal Privilege: Suggestion to Hire Fred Hauffschmidt as a Page None 0 PROCEDURE I am perfectly willing to let this matter wait until this afternoon, but if we could get him here this forenoon I think he might be of some service. The young gentleman is Fred Hauffschmidt. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658287 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I insist upon my motion to take a recess until two o’clock this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658291 Call to Order: 1889-09-05, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention reassembled at 2 o'clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658294 Motion to Refer the Communication from George Wilson to Committee No. 1, on Preamble and Declaration of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE As the preamble to be adopted for our constitution will necessarily contain a name, if there is no objection, this letter will be referred to that committee, as a suggestion that they may consider. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658296 Motion to Lay the Communication from George Wilson on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move the communication be laid on the table. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658300 Motion to Excuse Mr. Preston Until Monday: 1889-09-06 None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move, Mr. President, that Mr. Preston be excused until Monday on attendance on sessions of this convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
986456 Motion to Read Further Communication None 0 PROCEDURE [The PRESIDENT.] Gentlemen of the convention, I have some further communications upon the table. One from His Excellency, Governor F. E. Warren, of the territory, sending to me, as your chairman, certain letters from senators and representatives in congress. I will present them to the clerk to be read if there is no objection, and disposed of as the convention may see fit. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658436 Motion to Refer the Letters Introduced to Committee No. 5, on Elections, Rights of Suffrage, and Qualifications to Office None 0 PROCEDURE I move their reference to the committee on suffrage, elections and qualifications to office. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658437 Motion to Lay the Letters Introduced on the Table. None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the matter be laid on the table. I offer this as a substitute to that motion. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658444 Orders of Business: Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of standing committees. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658462 Motion to Re-read the Report on Bids None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will please read, and then we will get such instructions as we can. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658466 Motion to Accept the Bid of E. A. Slacker None 0 PROCEDURE I move the contract be let to the lowest bidder, which I understand to be The Sun office. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658467 Amendment to Specify the Amount of Copies to be Provided None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest to amend that so as to provide that The Sun furnish us seventy-five copies, the same as Bristol & Knabe. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658483 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of Ways and Means None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President. I move the report be accepted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658490 Motion to Accept the Resignation of Corlett Downey as Page of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that his resignation be accepted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658500 Personal Privilege: Different Committees Organize Their Meetings None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, as there seems to be nothing before the convention, and I don’t wish to make a motion, but ask your indulgence for a moment merely. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658507 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-06, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until ten o’clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657914 Call to Order: 1889-09-07, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657917 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657934 Motion to Excuse Absentees: 1889-09-07 None 0 PROCEDURE There are several gentleman absent, and under our rules they should be excused. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657927 Motion to Excuse Mr. Foote until His Return None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Mr. Foote be excused until such time as he returns. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657931 Approval of the Minutes: 1889-09-07 None 0 PROCEDURE The record will stand approved as read, if there be no objection. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664280 Motion to have Messages to the Convention not Spread at Length upon the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I belive [sic] it is the desire of the convention that such communications shall not be spread upon the journal at length unless so ordered by the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657942 Motion to Swear in Mr. Hopkins None 0 PROCEDURE I would call the attention of the chair to the fact that Justice Carroll is now in the room and ready to swear in Mr. Hopkins, and ask the unanimous consent that he be at once sworn in. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658460 Motion to Receive Mr. Titcomb's Report and Send the Covention's Thanks None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we receive them and that the thanks of this convention be sent to Mr. Titcomb. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658465 Motion to Receive Mr. Titcomb's Report, Refer it to the Committee on Irrigation, and Send the Convention's Thanks None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we receive them and [refer them] to the committe on irrigation, where they properly belong, and that the thanks of this convention be sent to Mr. Titcomb. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
657955 Motion to Send a Letter of Thanks to Mr. John F. Carroll None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the thanks of this convention be extended to Mr. Carroll for the courtesy extended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658474 Order of Business: Presentation of Propositions and Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE [W]e may proceed with the special order at this time, and receive propositions. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658482 Point of Order: Motion Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I judge then that my colleague’s motion is out of order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658494 Motion to Refer File No. 23 to the Printing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the printing committee and ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658499 Motion to Refer File No. 23 to the Committee on Qualifications to Office None 0 PROCEDURE [...] it should be referred to the committee on qualifications to office Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659397 Motion to Refer File No. 24 to the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE This may not ordinarily be a part of the duties of the attorney general, but the duties which I propose to impose upon him are in connection with the supreme court, and I therefore think it should be referred to the judiciary committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659443 Motion to Refer File No. 26 to Committee No. 7 None 0 PROCEDURE I move, Mr. President, it be referred to No. 7, committee on public morals. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659445 Motion to Refer File No. 26 to Committee No. 11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be referred to committee No. 11, taxes, revenue and public debt. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659554 Motion to Offer Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to offer a resolution touching railroad corporations, and also one on corporations in general. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659555 Motion to Offer a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I have another resolution to offer, also, Mr. President. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659580 Motion to Print Propositions 23, 26-28, 30-31, and 35-38 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that propositions [No. 23, 26-28, 30-31, 35-38] be printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659591 Motion to Print Resolutions 23, 26-28, 30-31, 35-38, and 40 None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment, by having this bill of Mr. Reed’s inserted and ordered printed. [Editor's Note: This is an amendment to Mr. Potter's motion to have the resolutions printed.] Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659601 Motion to Print Resolutions 23, 25-28, 30-31, 35-38, and 40 None 0 PROCEDURE There is another one that I think of, Mr. Chairman, concerning woman suffrage. [Editor's Note: This is an amendment to both his own original motion, and Mr. Hoyt's amendment to his motion to include No. 40.] Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659610 Motion to Keep the Order Open and Change the Discussion None 0 PROCEDURE If it is the wish of the convention, we will not act upon closing the order at this time, but may occupy the time with something else, by general consent. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659643 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on Standing Committee No. 10 None 0 PROCEDURE The motion is for the adoption of this resolution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659647 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on the Resolution on Standing Committee No. 10 None 0 PROCEDURE I think I can make a motion to reconsider, having voted in the affirmative. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659799 Motion to Amend the Resolution on Standing Committee No.10 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that motion by striking out the word “ten” and inserting in lieu thereof the word “eleven.” Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659803 Point of Order: Amending the Rules which is Out of Order from the Proposition Given Yesterday None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. You are amending the rules. That is a different proposition from what notice was given yesterday, and necessarily must go over for a day before acted upon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659931 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on the Rules of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that rule No. 6 be amended by adding a committee to be known as Committee No. 20, on ordinances, composed of seven members. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659916 Motion to Amend Rule No. 6 and Create Committee No. 20 None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that rule No. 6 be amended by adding a committee to be known as Committee No. 20, on ordinances, composed of seven members. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659924 Motion to Refer the Question on Amending Rule No. 6 and Creating Committee No. 20 to the Rules Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I should like to amend that and recommend that it be referred to the committee on rules. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659936 Motion to Present the Report from Committee No. 8 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have the unanimous consent of the convention to present the report of committee No. 8. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659940 Motion to Accept the Report of Committee No. 8 None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen, if there is no objection the question will be upon the adoption of the report of your committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659944 Motion to Adopt the First Resolution from Committee No. 8 None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen, you have heard the resolution read: the question is upon the adoption of the resolution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659949 Motion to Adopt the Second Report from Committee No. 8 None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen, you have heard the resolution read. The question is upon its adoption. Are you ready for the question. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659957 Motion to Elect Members of the Committee for Selecting Representatives to the U.S. Senate Committee of Arid Lands and Irrigation None 0 PROCEDURE Will the different delegations immediately select a representative for this committee and report it to the chair Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660326 Motion to Elect Mr. Scott to the Committe for Selecting Representatives to the U.S. Senate Committee of Arid Lands and Irrigation None 0 PROCEDURE In the absence of any representative from Crook, I mention Mr. Scott. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660336 Motion to Allow Crook County to Elect a Member to the Committe for Selecting Representatives to the U.S. Senate Committe on Arid Lands and Irrigation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Crook county at some future time be permitted to name their member of this committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660343 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-07, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until Monday morning at 10 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660348 Motion to Present a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE ...I would like an opportunity to offer a resolution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660361 Motion to Excuse Mr. Campbell on Monday, 1889-09-07 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask that I be excused on Monday, as I have business of importance to attend to in the western part of the territory. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660373 Motion to Adopt the Resolutions on Printing and Publication None 0 PROCEDURE You have heard the resolution read. This resolution offered by Mr. Hoyt. Are you ready for the question? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660381 Motion to have the Resolutions on Printing and Publication Lie Over None 0 PROCEDURE It was my intention that this resolution should lie over under the rules. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660389 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-07, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until half past ten Monday morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660390 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-07, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658351 Call to Order: 1889-09-09, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The gentlemen of the convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658353 Prayer None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplain. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
660347 Motion to Leave the Record of the Journal as Read None 0 PROCEDURE Perhaps it would be better to leave it as it is at present Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660782 Motion to Nominate Mr. Scott for the Committee for Selecting Representatives to the U.S. Senate Committee of Arid Lands and Irrigation None 0 PROCEDURE The gentleman from Crook nominates as the member of this committee Wm. Scott, of that county. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660796 Motion to Add Four Members to the Committee on Commerce, Live Stock Interests and Labor None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. PRESIDENT. Gentlemen of the convention, the committee on commerce, live stock interests and labor was increased on Saturday, by adding four members to it, leaving the members of the committee thus increased to be appointed by the committee. I have appointed as the representative from Crook county, Mr. Meyer Frank. Representative from Converse county, Mr. Irvine, Representative from Johnson county, Mr. McCandlish. Representative from Sheridan county, Mr. Coffeen. Mr. Coffeen of Sheridan, kindly relinquishes any claim on his part as the only representative of that county, and asks that Mr. Sutherland of Albany be appointed in his place, and the chair appoints Mr. A. L. Sutherland of Albany a member of this committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660815 Motion to Create a Committee on Ordinances None 0 PROCEDURE [Mr. PRESIDENT]: A committee on ordinances was added to the list of committees by an amendment adopted on Saturday, and it will be known as committee No. 20. The chair has appointed as that committee Messrs. Downey, Organ, Harvey, Burdick, Potter, Menough and Jones. The committee was to be seven in number. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660825 Motion to Present the Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any further memorials, petitions or resolutions? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661081 Motion to Present any Further Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any further propositions to be presented? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661087 Motion to Announce a Meeting of Committee No. 13 None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to announce that Committee No. 13, on corporations, is requested to meet Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661090 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the resolution, Mr. President. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661108 Motion to Start the Business of the Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE The next order of business is the reports of standing committees. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661353 Motion to Inquire the Resolutions from Two Days Ago None 0 PROCEDURE I was only going to make an inquiry in regard to resolutions that were laid over on Saturday until Monday. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661397 Motion to Move on to the Business of Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE The resolutions that were offered on Saturday will come in their regular order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661404 Motion to Ask a Question to a Standing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask a question of one of the standing committees, if there is no objection. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661466 Motion to Ask the Printing Committee a Question None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask the committee on printing how long it takes to print these resolutions... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661616 Motion to Have the Journal's Roll Call changed None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a question of privilege. I would like to have the journal show that I am present today. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661627 Motion to Print File No. 41 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that File No. 41 be ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661630 Motion to Discuss Mr. Hoyt's Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE They come up in the regular order of business now for consideration. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661631 Motion to Postpone the Discussion None 0 PROCEDURE I move that these resolutions be permitted to go over until tomorrow. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661724 Motion to Withdraw None 0 PROCEDURE I ask at this time to withdraw the resolution I offered a moment ago. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661745 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661960 Motion to Change the Record of Yesterday None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to move that an order be made that the record of yesterday be so changed... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662792 Motion to Withdraw Mr. Barrow's Name from the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE That is the desire of the delegation. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662800 Motion to Place Mr. Richards on the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move, if I can get a second, that Mr. De Forest Richards be placed upon the journal as a member of this committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662803 Point of Order: Motion Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I was merely rising to a point of order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662211 Motion to Replace Missing Members of Committees None 0 PROCEDURE I would make a motion that all members who have not appeared be excluded from the committee, and others substituted upon the standing committees upon which they have been appointed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662208 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-09, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, I move we adjourn until 10 o’clock tomorrow. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658928 Call to Order: 1889-09-10, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
658939 Prayer: 1889-09-10 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by Chaplain. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663623 Introduction of Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of petitions and memorials. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661632 Proposal that Committee No. 8 Present a Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 54, by Committee No. 8 Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662377 Motion to Excuse Mr. Hopkins, 1889-09-10 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to obtain the consent of the convention that Mr. Hopkins be excused until Thursday... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662381 Motion to Print File No. 52 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that File No. 52, Mr. Smith’s railroad bill, be printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662844 Motion for Propositions to be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I move that where propositions are referred to standing committees that these committees be requested to make immediate report as to whether they shall he printed or not... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663059 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE ...I therefore suggest that the rules be suspended for the purpose of taking action upon an amendment to our rules. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663093 Motion to Suspend Rule No. 4 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Rule No. 4 be suspended for fifteen minutes while the attorney prepares the motion. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663098 Motion for the Laramie Delegation to Retire None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that the Laramie delegation be allowed to retire for fifteen minutes. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663099 Motion to Preceed with the Order of the Day None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that we proceed with the order of the day. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664324 Point of Order: Motion Out of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. This motion is out of order because the convention has already agreed to suspend the rules. This motion cannot be in order until that motion is reconsidered and passed in the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664333 Point of Order: A Question is Not Debatable Until Stated to the Convention. None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The gentleman from Laramie is out of order because a question is not debatable until stated to the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664336 Point of Information None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of information. Have we suspended the entire rules or only Rule 59? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664443 Motion to Call Roll Upon Adoption None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the roll be called upon its adoption Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664448 Motion to Have the Resolution Read None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have it read again before I vote. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664469 Motion to Excuse Mr. Campbell From Voting: 1889-09-10 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask to be excused from voting as I don’t know a thing about it. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664472 Motion to Re-read the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the resolution be read, so the gentleman can vote on the subject. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664474 Motion for the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE Messrs. RINER, BURRITT and CAMPBELL. Call of the house. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665003 Motion to Dispense Call of House None 0 PROCEDURE I move the further call of the house be dispensed with so we may call the roll. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665022 Motion for a Reading of the Question None 0 PROCEDURE I call for a reading of the question. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665073 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-10, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move the convention now adjourn until tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665074 Motion to Present a Report None 0 PROCEDURE If in order, I would like to present a report before we adjourn. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665084 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-10, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE If in order I would like to amend the motion to adjourn until 2 o’clock tomorrow. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665076 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-10, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 2 o’clock this afternoon Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665081 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until this afternoon, 2 o'clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665113 Call to Order: 1889-09-10, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The gentlemen will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665184 Motion to Continue Receiving Reports From Committee None 0 PROCEDURE At the time of taking a recess we were receiving reports of standing committees. Have all the reports for the day been handed in that are desired to be made at this time? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661899 Motion to Refer File No. 57 to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE ...I move it be read by title and ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660100 Motion to Adopt the Recommendations of Committee No. 12 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the recommendation of the committee as to the reference of a part of this matter to Committee No. 13 be adopted, and that the substitute be referred to the committee on printing. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663092 Motion to Refer the Majority and Minority Reports The Committee and Ordered Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I move they both be referred to the committee and ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663094 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-10, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I amend the motion by moving that the convention go into committee of the whole... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663096 Motion to Place Files No. 19 and 22 and the Substitutes on the General File None 0 PROCEDURE I move the reports be received and the original resolution and the substitutes be placed upon the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666108 Motion to Adopt the Report and Discharge the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the special committee be adopted, and the committee discharged. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665523 Motion to Move Resolutions to Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the resolutions go over until to-morrow. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665535 Motion to Allow The President and Secretary to Issue Certificates None 0 PROCEDURE Resolved, That the president and secretary of this convention are hereby authorized to issue certificates Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665539 Motion to Appoint A Committe to Inspect the Work of the Stenographer None 0 PROCEDURE That a committee of three be appointed by the chair to inspect from time to time the work performed by the stenographic reporter Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665756 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-10, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move that we resolve ourselves into committee of the whole Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665953 Motion to Order the Majority and Minority Reports Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that both the majority and minority reports be referred to the committee on printing, and ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665963 Motion to Excuse Mr. Preston and Mr. Elliott, 1889-09-10 None 0 PROCEDURE I would request of the convention that the gentleman from Fremont, Mr. Preston, and myself, be excused from further attendance on the session this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665970 Motion to Adjourn, 1889-09-10, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we adjourn until tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665976 Motion to Call a Meeting of the Committee to Furnish Information to the Senate Committee on Irrigation None 0 PROCEDURE I would like, if not out of order, to call together the committee that was appointed to furnish information to the senate committee on irrigation to meet in Prof. Mead’s room this evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659403 Call to Order: 1889-09-11, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE The convention reassembled at 10 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659405 Prayer: 1889-09-11 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659412 Motion to be Added to the Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to make the same request for this morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659415 DeForest Richards was sworn in None 0 PROCEDURE (Swearing in of Mr. Richards.) Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659417 Order of Business: Introduction of propositions, memorials and petitions None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of propositions, memorials and petitions will now be in order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659526 Motion to Refer File No. 59 to Committee No. 7, on Education None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to suggest that it be referred to the Committee No. 7, on education. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659582 Motion to Refer File No. 61 to Committee No. 12, on County, City and Town Organization. None 0 PROCEDURE File No. 61, unless otherwise ordered, will be referred to Committee No. 12, county, city and town organization. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659583 Motion to Refer File No. 61 to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move...that it be printed and referred to the committee of the whole. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659584 Motion to Refer File No. 61 to Committee No. 15, on Salaries of Public Officers None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move the reference of this to Committee No. 15. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659598 Motion to Allow Committee No. 2 on Legislative Department to Sit During the Session of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I ask leave that Committee No. 2 be allowed to sit today during the session of the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659605 Orders of Business: Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of standing committees are now in order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659627 Motion to Print Part of the Report of Committee No. 18 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the substitute as regards to future amendments, that part of the report of Committee No. 18, be printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659628 Motion to Print File No. 46 and the Amendments from Committee No. 18 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that File No. 46 and the substitute be printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659636 Motion to Re-read File No. 18 None 0 PROCEDURE In order that the convention may be informed the secretary will read the proposition. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659638 Motion to Adopt the Recommendation of Committee No. 5 None 0 PROCEDURE The recommendation of Committee No. 5 is that this matter be referred to Committee No. 3. Are you ready for the question? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659726 Motion to Read the Resolution on Printing and Publication None 0 PROCEDURE In order that the convention may be fully posted the secretary will read the resolutions. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659711 Motion to Call for the Report on the Resolution to Adopt the Constitution of the United States from Committee No. 1, on Preamble and Declaration of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the report of the committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659717 Motion to Adopt the Resolution on Telegraph to Mrs. Cox None 0 PROCEDURE I would move, Mr. President, that that message be sent to Mrs. Cox from this convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659719 Motion to Refer the Resolution to Adopt the Constitution of the United States to Committee No. 20, on Ordinance None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to request that the resolution of the gentleman from Laramie, Mr. Jeffrey, be referred to the committee or ordinances. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659731 Motion to Object to the Appoint of J. M. Carey to the Senatorial Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Baxter of Laramie objected to Hon. J. M. Carey's acting with the committee Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
659734 Motion to Have Committee No. 11, on Taxation, Revenue and Public Debts None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to call a meeting of Committee No. 11, at half-past one in the committee room. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659736 Motion to Call a Meeting of Committee No. 7, on Education, Public Buildings, State Institutions, Public Health and Public Morals None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to call a meeting of Committee No. 7 immediately after adjournment this morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659739 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659749 Call to Order: 1889-09-11, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention reassembled at 2 o’clock Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659758 Motion to Consider the Resolution on Adopting the Constitution of the United States Immediately None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended for the purpose of taking immediate action on this report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659762 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move to take a recess of fifteen minutes until the committees can get in some of their reports that are, about ready. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659763 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we amend that and make it until 3 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659784 Call to Order: 1889-09-11, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659786 Motion to Move the Resolution to Adopt the Constitution of United States to the Head of the File None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of Committee No. 20, together with the substitute and the resolution with reference to the adoption of the constitution of the United States, be tak-en from the foot of the file and placed at the head of the file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659791 Motion to Order the Report be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I will ask consent that the report be ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659793 Motion to Allow Committee No. 6, on Boundaries and Apportionment to Meet During the Session of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE Committee No. 6 asks leave of the convention to sit this afternoon at once Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
659795 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-11, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we go into committee of the whole to consider the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660590 Motion to Adopt the Resolution to Adopt the Constitution of the United States None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be received and placed upon the general file for consideration at the proper time. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660596 Motion to Postpone the Consideration of File No. 58 until Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the further consideration of File No. 58 be postponed until tomorrow. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660725 Motion to Order the Report from Committee No. 5 Printed None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be referred to the printing committee and ordered minted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660766 Motion to Refer the Report from Committee No. 18 to the Printing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I... move that it be referred to the printing committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660775 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-11, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now adjourn until 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660706 Call to Order: 1889-09-12, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660708 Prayer: 1889-09-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660712 Motion for The Committee on Legislative Department be Permitted to Sit During The Day None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to ask that the committee on legislative department be permitted to sit during the day, to finish up important business. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660718 Motion to Read the Journal: 1889-09-12 None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the journal. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660730 Motion for Any Corrections to Be Made in The Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any corrections to be made in the journal? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660750 Motion to Replace Mr. Moore on Committee No. 3 By A Present Member None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Moore of Crook county will not be here. If my information in regard to that matter is correct, I would like to have his place filled on Com-mittee [sic] No. 3 by some member from that county who is present. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660760 Motion to Excuse Mr. Scott for Ten Days and Have a Substitute on His Committee, 1889-09-12 None 0 PROCEDURE I have just received a communication from Mr. Scott that he has been called away on important business... it would be well to put some one else on that committee in his place. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660774 Motion to Know When Mr. Davis Will Fill His Place on Committee No. 3. None 0 PROCEDURE I see Mr. Davis is on Committee No. 3. I have not yet heard a word as to when he will be down here Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660779 Motion to Fill the Place of Mr. Davis on Committee No. 3 None 0 PROCEDURE Does the gentleman from Carbon, Mr. Smith, move that the place be filled? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660786 Motion to Substitute or Add A Few Names to Committee No. 1 None 0 PROCEDURE ...[T]he continued absence of a majority of Committee No. might be well to make some substitutes on that committee, or to add a few names... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660792 Motion to Vote if New Members Are Added to The Committee[s] None 0 PROCEDURE Is it the desire of the convention that there be new members added to the committee? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660804 Motion To Excuse Committee No. 2, 1889-09-12 None 0 PROCEDURE ...[T]hat committee No.2 be excused during the sitting of the convention to-day... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661091 Motion to Excuse Mr. Organ, 1889-09-12 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Organ desired me to ask the convention to excuse him from its session to-day... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661093 Motion to Create an Office For Enrolling and Engrossing None 0 PROCEDURE ...[T]he services' of an enrolling and engrossing clerk should be secured, and I desire to ask if the chair will entertain a motion for the creation, of that office? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661098 Motion to Suspend The Convention Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I will move that the rules be suspended... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661111 Motion to Elect an Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I move that an enrolling and engrossing clerk be elected... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661114 Motion to Appoint Tellers to Prepare Ballots and Proceed to the Election None 0 PROCEDURE I will appoint as tellers, Mr. Reed of Laramie, and Mr. Elliott of Johnson. The gentlemen will prepare the ballots and proceed to the election... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661116 Motion to Nominate Mrs. Ollernshaw as the Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to place in nomination the name of Mrs. Ollernshaw... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661118 Motion for the Secretary to Read the Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE The secretary will read the propositions in the order presented. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663555 Motion for Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we take a recess until 2:30 this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663567 Motion to Vote on Mr. Smith's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move the previous question. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663585 Motion for the Final Reading and Engrossment of Municipal Corporations [File No. 58] None 0 PROCEDURE Do you desire to have it referred for engrossment? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663588 Motion to Suspend the Rules of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE ...I would like to suspend the rules... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663590 Motion for the Final Reading and Passage to be Submitted Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this file be finally read, section by section, and each section submitted...for final passage separately. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663593 Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to take appeal from the decision of the chair. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663596 Motion for File No. 58 be Finally Read and Submitted to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the proposition be now finally read and submitted to the convention for their final action... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663597 Motion for Roll Call None 0 PROCEDURE ...and that the roll be called. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663605 Motion for the Ayes and Nays on Whether File No. 58 Can be Amended After the Final Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the ayes and nays be called Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663617 Motion to Reconsider the Vote for File No. 58 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to reconsider the vote now. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663618 Motion to Lay Mr. Teschemacher's Motion on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that motion to be laid on the table. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663620 Motion to Indefinitely Postpone the Debate None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the whole subject be indefinitely postponed... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664195 Motion to Reconsider the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE ...I am in favor of reconsideration for this reason. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664199 Point of Order: A Motion to Reconsider is not Debatable None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664233 Motion to Take a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664240 Motion to Give Notice None 0 PROCEDURE ...I would like to give a notice. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664251 Motion for a Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I now wish to renew my motion. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664263 Call to Order: 1889-09-12, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664279 Motion to Refer Resolution on Telegraph to Mrs. Cox None 0 PROCEDURE A resolution was finally passed yesterday...and the chair will refer it to the committee on revision... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663614 Motion for the Revision Committee also the Enrolling Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I notice that one of the rules makes the revision committee an enrolling committee... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661753 Motion for the Chair to Apologize None 0 PROCEDURE The chair desires to apologize... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661755 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-12, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715768 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-12, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715770 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-12, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661607 Call to Order: 1889-09-13, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661609 Prayer: 1889-09-13 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677731 Motion for the Report of Suffrage be made Special Order for next Tuesday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move that the report of suffrage be made special order for Tuesday morning of next week. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715836 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on County, City and Town Organizations None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the report was adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715838 Motion to Postpone File No. 48 None 0 PROCEDURE ...File No. 48 was indefinitely postponed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677763 Motion to Consider the General File in the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666023 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-13, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680808 Motion to Introduce a File None 0 PROCEDURE If there is no objection, I would like to introduce a file at this time. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680811 Motion to Refer File No. 74 to the Committee on Boundaries and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be referred to the committee on boundaries and apportionment Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680813 Motion to Print and Refer File No. 74 to the Committee on Boundaries and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I suggest that it carry with it the motion to print Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681607 Motion to Print Other Propositions on Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the other proposition in reference to apportionment which this convention has refused to print be ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681610 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-13, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn...and that we take a recess until two o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681618 Motion to Print Certain Files Reported to the House None 0 PROCEDURE [I move that certain files we reported to the house be printed] Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681612 Call to Order: 1889-09, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681621 Order of Business: General Inquiry on How to Proceed None 0 PROCEDURE What is your pleasure, gentlemen? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681624 Motion to Read File No. 58 None 0 PROCEDURE I would move, therefore, that the file as reported back be read for the information of the convention, in order that we may see whether it is correctly engrossed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681628 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-13, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into the committee of the whole Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715172 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1880-09-13, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715185 Motion to Engross the Files for Final Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move that these files be made the engrossed copies and placed upon their final passage. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715188 Motion for the Final Reading and Passage of Distribution of Powers [File No. 46] None 0 PROCEDURE File 46 has been finally read and is now upon its passage. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715190 Motion for the Final Reading and Passage of Substitute for File No. 13 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is now upon the adoption of file 13 Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715192 Motion for the Final Reading and Passage of Substitute for File No. 14. None 0 PROCEDURE The question is now upon the final reading and passage of file 14. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715194 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-13, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until ten o’clock to-morrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661096 Call to Order: 1889-09-14, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Call to Order Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661101 Prayer: 1889-09-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661105 Motion to Excuse Mr. Menough and Mr. Palmer, 1889-09-14 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. President, Mr. Menough and Mr. Palmer have been called home and ask to be excused until their return. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661127 Order of Business: Presentation of Petitions, Memorials, Resolutions, and Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE The presentation of petitions, memorials, resolutions, and propositions are now in order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714306 Motion to Read the Report from Committee No. 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I think the report ought to be read... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680191 Motion to Read the Minority Report File No. 76 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the report of the minority be read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680193 Motion to Print the Majority and Minority Reports of Committee No. 2 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is on the recommendation to print the substance reported by this committee Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661594 Motion to Lay File No. 77 on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I will move that that disposition be made of the matter. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662676 Motion to Read the Substitute from Committee on Federal Relations, Public Lands and Military Affairs None 0 PROCEDURE ...We cannot tell unless it is read... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714936 Motion to Print Substitute for Files No. 9 and 36 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the matter be printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662701 Motion to Print the Report and Substitution from Committee No. 3 on Files No. 51 and 56 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714314 Motion to Refer Files No. 51 and 56 to Committee No. 3 None 0 PROCEDURE ...they are a part of the substitute returned by the committee. [Editor's Note: "They" refers to files no. 51 and 56.] Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662718 Motion to Read Files No. 19 and 22 Reported by Committee No. 29 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is upon the final reading of the propositions contained in the engrossed copy returned by your committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714473 Motion to Refer Substitute for Files No. 19 and 22 [Committee on Revision and Adjustment] to Committee No. 19 None 0 PROCEDURE ...the substitute will be referred to the committee on revision. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664463 Motion to Amend Rule No. 55 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire now to move, in accordance with the notice I gave the other day, that when any proposition containing more than one section is before the convention for final reading and adoption, that any member shall have the right to demand that a particular section be voted upon separately. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664776 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-14, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until ten o’clock Monday. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664778 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-14, Afternoon: Mr. Hoyt's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would suggest that it be made half past ten... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661523 Call to Order: 1889-09-16, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention assembled at 10:30 o’clock, assistant secretary Glafcke called the meeting to order in the absence of the president. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661529 Order of Business: Presentation of Petitions and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Presentation of petitions and memorials. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661531 Order of Business: Presentation of Propositions and Resolutions None 0 PROCEDURE Presentation of propositions and resolutions. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714781 Order of Business: Presentation of Committee Reports None 0 PROCEDURE As there seem to be no propositions this morning, the next thing is the reports of standing committees, are there any this morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676819 Motion for File No. 31 to be Printed None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the...substitute for File No. 31 ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661548 Motion to Print Files No. 70 and 66 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be referred to the printing committee and ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661603 Motion to Print the Report on File No. 16 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be referred to the printing committee and ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661814 Motion to Read Substitute for File No. 50 [Convention] None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be read so that we may know something about what we are discussing. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661815 Motion to Refer Substitute for File No. 50 [Convention] to the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be referred to the committee of the whole, and have its merits discussed there Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661817 Order of Business: Reports of Special Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any reports of special committees? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661819 Motion to Tender the Hall of the Convention to the Senatorial Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I make a motion that the use of this hall be tendered them for to-morrow afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661821 Motion to Tender the Hall of the Convention to the Senatorial Committee: Mr. Elliot's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this convention adjourn to-morrow that it take a recess until 7:30 in the evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661823 Motion to Tender the Hall of the Convention to the Senatorial Committee: Mr. Conaway's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I...move that this convention do receive this senate committee in this hall at the hour set by the committee on reception. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661826 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-16, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole for consideration of the report of committee No. 4. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677559 Motion to Print Substitute for File No. 50 [Convention] None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted, and the file returned by the committee be referred to the printing committee and ordered printed. Editorial Decision
661987 Motion to Amend Rules 18 and 19 of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I would, therefore, move, sir, that the clause “this rule shall apply to committee of the whole,” shall be added to rules 18 and 19. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661994 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take a recess until 2 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661996 Call to Order: 1889-09-16, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662009 Motion for the Committee on Printing to Report None 0 PROCEDURE If any member of the printing committee is here I would like to hear from him. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662013 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess for half an hour... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714955 Motion to Send Someone to the Sun Office None 0 PROCEDURE I move...someone be directed to go to the Sun office and see if there is anything to be done this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662016 Call to Order: 1889-09-16 None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662018 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-16, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662019 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-16, Afternoon: Mr. Irvine's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend by making it 10. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662464 Call to Order: 1889-09-17, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662466 Prayer: 1889-09-17 None 0 PROCEDURE Is the chaplin present? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662472 Order of Business: Introduction of Petitions, Memorials, Propositions, etc. None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of petitions, memorials, propositions, etc., are now in order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662475 Order of Business: Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of standing committees. Any reports this morning? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662751 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-17, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now resolve ourselves into committee of the whole for the consideration of the general file, special order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662811 Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move a call of the house. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662813 Motion to Dispense With All Further Proceedings Under the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662817 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-17, Morning Again None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the convention now go into committee of the whole for the consideration of the report of Committee No. 5. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662878 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-17, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o’clock Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662880 Call to Order: 1889-09-17, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention reassembled at 2 o’clock Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662882 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-17, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE It seems to me, therefore, that it would be proper for this convention to adjourn until some hour tomorrow Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662884 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-17, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9 o’clock to-morrow morning Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663121 Call to Order: 1889-09-18, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663132 Prayer: 1889-09-18 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplain. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663135 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move a call of the house. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663137 Motion to Excuse Mr. Butler: 1889-09-18, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE ...I ask that he be excused from this morning's session. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663139 Motion to Excuse Mr. Chaplin: 1889-09-18, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I have a similar request to make for Mr. Chaplin... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663805 Motion to Dispense with the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I...move that further proceedigs under the call be dispensed with. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664287 Motion to Replace Mr. Downey with Mr. Hoyt on the Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights: 1889-09-18 None 0 PROCEDURE ...I would name Ex-Governor Hoyt of Albany to temporarily take the place of Col. Downey... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664308 Order of Business: Presentation of Memorials, Petitions and Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE Presentation of memorials, petitions and propositions are now in order... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715256 Order of Business: Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of standing committees; any reports? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664679 Motion to Refer the Substitute to the Committee on Printing None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be referred to the committee on printing, without being read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664688 Motion to Hold Sessions Every Night None 0 PROCEDURE ...I would like to move that we hold sessions every night this week, commencing at 7:30, except Saturday. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664718 Motion to Hold Sessions Every Night: Mr. Morgan's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to move that we hold sessions every night this week, commencing at 7:30, except Saturday, and that morning sessions begin at 9 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664726 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-18, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664730 Motion for Mr. Johnston to make Arrangements for Lights during Evening Sessions None 0 PROCEDURE ...I move that he be requested by the convention to make arrangements for lights during this week. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667596 Call to Order: 1889-09-18, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
716088 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee of the whole, as a whole, be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667662 Motion to Refer Reported Files to the Committee on Engrossment None 0 PROCEDURE I move these matters be now referred to the committee on engrossment before final reading. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667814 Motion for Senator Stewart to Address the Convention at 7:30 PM None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the president of this convention be requested to ask Senator Stewart to address this convention at 7:30 o'clock this evening if it suits his convenience. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667816 Motion for Senator Stewart to Address the Convention at 7:30 PM: Mr. Campbell's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would amend the motion by adding that the president of this convention be requested to escort Senator Stewart to the hall this evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667818 Motion to Discharge the Committee on Lights None 0 PROCEDURE I... ask the discharge of the committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667820 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until half past seven o’clock this evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667821 Motion to Recess: Mr. Fox's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that we take a recess until a quarter to two this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667828 Call to Order: 1889-09-18, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667832 Motion to Suspend Rule Four for the Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE ...I move that rule four be suspended for the afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667836 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-18, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that we go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676785 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-18, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676791 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take a recess until 7:30 Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676800 Call to Order: 1889-09-18, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE The convention re-assembled at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677181 Motion to Print Substitute for Files No. 59, 28, and 8 [Convention] None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the substitute submitted by Committee No. 7 was ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677185 Motion for Senator Stewart and Major Powell to Address the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE The president introduced to the convention Hon. Am. Stewart, U. S. Senator from Nevada, and Major Powell, chief of the U. S. Geological Survey, who addressed the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677481 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-18, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Fox the convention adjourned until 9 o’clock a. m. Sept. 19th. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663169 Call to Order: 1889-09-19, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
716374 Prayer: 1889-09-19 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplin Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663173 Order of Business: Presentation of Petitions, Memorials and Propositions. None 0 PROCEDURE Presentation of petitions, memorials and propositions Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663177 Order of Business: Report of Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of committees Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663180 Order of Business: Reports of special committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of special committees Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663305 Order of Business: Final Readings of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE There being no special rereports, we will now proceed to the final readings of propositions. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663310 Motion to Suspend Rule No. 4 of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that rule four be suspended Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663320 Motion to Refer the Letter from Posey S. Wilson None 0 PROCEDURE I move out of respect to the old resident the matter be referred to Committee No. 6. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663389 Motion to Introduce a Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask leave at this time to introduce a proposition. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677136 Motion to Read File No. 68 Section by Section None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be read section by section. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677259 Motion to Read File No. 68: Section 10 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the section proposed to be stricken out be read before the vote is taken. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677464 Point of Order: An Amendment Cannot be Made Twice None 0 PROCEDURE That amendment has already been made to the bill and decided in the negative. The same amendment cannot be made twice. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677496 Motion to Reconsider Mr. Smith's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move a reconsideration of the motion to strike out the last part of Sec. 9 Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677557 Motion to Read and Vote File No. 68 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be put upon its final passage and the vote taken Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677601 Motion to Refer File No. 70 to the Committee on Corporations None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this matter be referred to the committee on corporations Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677572 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take a recess until 2 o’clock Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677576 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 7:30 this evening Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663780 Call to Order: 1889-09-19, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663783 Motion to Suspend Rule No. 4 of the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move rule four be suspended Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663791 Motion to Present a Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to present a proposition, if in order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677641 Motion to Read and Vote File No. 70 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be placed upon its final passage. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663957 Motion to Allow the Committee on Corporations to Present a Report None 0 PROCEDURE We would ask consent that the report of the committee on corporations be presented at this time Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
663974 Motion to Print Substitute for Files No. 11, 38, 42 and 72 by Committee No. 13 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the substitute be referred at once to the printing committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677644 Motion to Read and Vote File No. 78 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be placed upon its final passage Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677647 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-19, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681245 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-19, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move its adoption Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677651 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-19, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665195 Call to Order: 1889-09-20, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665198 Prayer: 1889-09-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665200 Motion to Excuse those Absent from the Convention: 1889-09-20 None 0 PROCEDURE Absent members heretofore excused by the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681795 Motion to Refer Files No. 66 and 82 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion Files No. 66 and 82 reported back by Committee No. 10 were referred to the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701807 Motion to Print File No. 84 None 0 PROCEDURE By general consent Committee No.10 submitted File No. 84, concerning "Boards of Arbitration;" ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665222 Motion to Adopt the Report of The Committee: 1889-09-20 None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the report of the committee was adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665226 Motion for The Irrigation File be Made Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I...move that the irrigation file be made special order of the day for tomorrow... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665232 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-20, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into the committee of the whole... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666452 Motion Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-20, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
671974 Motion to Refer Substitute for Files No. 9 and 36 and Substitute for Files No. 51 and 56 to the Engrossing Committee None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Potter moved that substitutes for Files No. 9 and 36 and substitute for Files No. 51 and 56 be engrossed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
671983 Motion to Extend Thanks to the Publishers of Laramie Boomerang, Bill Barlow's Budget, and the Carbon County Journal None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Hoyt, the thanks of the convention were extended to the publishers of the Laramie Boomerang, Bill Barlow’s Budget and Carbon County Journal for copies of their publications. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
671986 Motion to Make File No. 50 the Special Order for the Evening None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Campbell File No. 50 was made the special order for this evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666457 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-20, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666464 Call to Order: 1889-09-20, Evening Session None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666466 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-20, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into the committee of the whole... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667263 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-20, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667265 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-20, Evening Session None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666345 Call to Order: 1889-09-21, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666349 Prayer: 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667239 Motion to Excuse Mr. Holden for the Remainder of the Convention: 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to ask the members of this convention to excuse me from further attendance upon this convention after this evening's session... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667241 Motion to Excuse Mr. Holden Day by Day: 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE I doubt the power of the convention to excuse any one for the remainder of the session...he might be excused from day to day. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667252 Order of Business: Substitute for Files No. 35 and 57 None 0 PROCEDURE There was fixed for the special order of the day the substitute for Files No. 35 and 57, on irrigation. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667255 Motion to Enter the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-21, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667830 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667841 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee and Refer Section 3 to the Irrigation Commitee None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report of the committee be adopted with the exception of Sec. 3, which shall be referred back to the Irrigation committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676210 Motion to Authorize the Committee on Revision to Raise the Several Articles of the Constitution as they are Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Chaplin, the committee on revision was authorized to raise the several articles of the constitution as they are adopted by this convention. [Editor's Note: The meaning of this motion is unclear in the text.] Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676218 Motion to Permit Committee No. 6 to Submit a Report None 0 PROCEDURE By unanimous consent Committee No. 6 was permitted to make a report, and said report was received. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667857 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee take a recess until 2 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667928 Call to Order: 1889-09-21, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678274 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn until 9 o'clock on Monday morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667929 Motion to Submit the Report from Commitee No. 2 None 0 PROCEDURE I ask the unanimous consent of the convention at this time to be allowed to submit a report by Committee No. 2 Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667940 Motion to Submit the Report from Commitee No. 9 None 0 PROCEDURE Committee No. 9 would like to make a report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676530 Motion to Refer and Print the Report from Committee No. 9 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the report be referred to the committee on printing and ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676635 Motion to Refer Substitute for Files 35 and 57 to the Committee on Engrossment None 0 PROCEDURE Files No. 25 and 57 reported back by the committee of the whole, unless otherwise ordered by the convention will be referred to the committee on engrossment, with the amendments that were adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677290 Motion to Finally Read the Substitute Files None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the files now ready for final action be now finally read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677513 Motion to Suspend Rule 4 None 0 PROCEDURE I move [Rule 4] be suspended for the afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677516 Motion to Excuse Major Baldwin: 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Maj. Baldwin...has requested that he be excused by the convention. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677622 Motion to Finally Read Substitute File No. 50 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the file in relation to the judiciary department, as reported by the committee of the whole be considered the engrossed file, and that it be put upon its final passage this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677624 Motion to Return the Substitute for File No. 50 to the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee on engrossment be requested to return the bill to the house. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677785 Motion to Vote on Substitute for File No. 50 by Committee No. 4: Mr. Potter's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I believe I would like to have my vote on this subject recorded and hence would call for the ayes and nays. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677910 Motion to Finally Read Substitute for File No. 50 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the bill be placed upon its final reading. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677916 Motion to Submit a Report from Committee No. 19 None 0 PROCEDURE Committee No. 19 would like to make a report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677930 Motion to Finally Read Substitute for Files No. 35 and 57 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the file be read a third time and placed upon its final passage. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677936 Motion to Strike Out Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I will now move to strike out Sec. 3. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677947 Motion to Set the Special Order for the Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the two reports of the legislative committee and of the apportionment committee be made special order for this evening Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678264 Motion to Postpone the Special Order until Monday Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this be made special order for Monday afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678268 Motion to Move Into the Commitee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move these files be made the special order and immediately considered by the committee of the whole. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678269 Motion to Limit Speaking Time to Two Minutes None 0 PROCEDURE I move no one be allowed to speak more than two minutes in committee of the whole. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678270 Point of Order None 0 PROCEDURE I do not think that motion can be entertained at this time, in connection with this motion. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681452 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-21, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681472 Motion to move the Majority Report from Committee No. 6 on File No. 76 into final consideration None 0 PROCEDURE I move this report be considered the engrossed file, read the third time and put upon its final passage Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678276 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-21, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn until 9 o'clock on Monday morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667872 Call to Order: 1889-09-23, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667876 Prayer: 1889-09-23 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplain. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667879 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move a call of the house. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667881 Motion to Dispense with the Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move the proceedings be dispensed with. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667884 Motion to Suspend Rule Four None 0 PROCEDURE I move rule four be suspended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
671824 Order of Business: Presentation of Committee Reports None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of standing committees. Are there any? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
671832 Motion to Receive the Report of the Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights: 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE Does the convention desire the report submitted at this time? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676579 Motion to Print Preamble [File No. 88, Convention] None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be referred to the printing committee with instructions to act at once. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676625 Motion to Print Preamble [File No. 88, Convention]: Mr. Hay's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the motion to print, that it be referred with instructions to return it to the convention tomorrow morning. That would bring it back here and it would then take its course. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676627 Motion to Excuse Mr. Barrow Day to Day, 1889-09-23 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Barrow desires that I should ask that he be excused from day to day. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676631 Motion to Excuse Mr. Barrow, 1889-09-23 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Mr. Barrow be excused for today. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676633 Motion to Excuse Mr. Burdick, 1889-09-23 None 0 PROCEDURE On behalf of Mr. Burdick I desire to ask that he be excused Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676640 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the rules be suspended for the purpose of considering this. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676642 Motion to Refer the Resolution to Offer Approbation to the Establishment of a Deep Water Harbor on the Texas Coast to the Committee on Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Rights None 0 PROCEDURE I wish to have the resolution referred to the committee on irrigation, and have them consider it at once and return it this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676877 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Printing, Publication, Accounts and Expenses: 1889-09-23 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676880 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-23, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into committee of the whole for consideration of the special order and general file Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679228 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-23, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE On motion the report was adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679235 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take a recess until 3 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679243 Call to Order: 1889-09-23, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
718415 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee on Manufactures, Commerce, Live Stock Interests and Labor: 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE [I move to adopt the report.] Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679309 Motion for the Committee of Revision and Adjustment to Report None 0 PROCEDURE Committee No. 19 would like to make a report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679333 Motion to Take Up the Regular Order of the Day None 0 PROCEDURE The chair will take up the regular order of the day . Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679342 Motion to Give Notice of a Proposed Rule Change None 0 PROCEDURE I move an amendment to the rules that an extra committee be appointed, to be known as committee on address to the people. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679350 Motion for the Committee on Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Rights to Report None 0 PROCEDURE Committee No. 8 desires to make a report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681209 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-23, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The Convention enter the Committee of the Whole Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
702063 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-23, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705676 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now take a recess until 7:30 this evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705678 Call to Order: 1889-09-23, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705681 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-23, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726503 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-23, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708699 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-23, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn until 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666941 Call to Order: 1889-09-24, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. PRESIDENT. Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666948 Prayer: 1889-09-24 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666984 Order of Business: Introduction of Petitions, Etc. None 0 PROCEDURE Introduction of petitions, etc., are now in order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666989 Order of Business: Reports of Standing Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of standing committees. Any reports this morning? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667001 Order of Business: Reports of Special Committees None 0 PROCEDURE Reports of special committees Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667004 Order of Business: Final Reading of Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE Final reading of propositions Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667009 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-24, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667921 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667923 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o’clock Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667925 Call to Order: 1889-09-24, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667983 Motion to Refer Substitute for Files No. 5, 6, 10, 23 and 64 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this file be ordered printed Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705328 Motion to Read Sec. 3 of the Legislative File and Sec. 4 of the Apportionment Bill None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Sec. 3 of the legislative file and Sec. 4 of the apportionment bill be read. These are the only two not in harmony. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705330 Motion to Read Majority Report from Committee on Boundaries and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE Final reading of what is now called a part of File 76, on the matter of apportionment. The secretary will read Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
706131 Motion to reconsider File No. 76: Section 6: Mr. Riner's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE If not out of order, I would like to move a reconsideration of the vote on the motion to strike out “five”and insert “four.” Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707916 Motion to Resolve into Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-24, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole for consideration of the revenue bill Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708264 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be adopted Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708292 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-24, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn until half past seven this evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708359 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take a recess Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708369 Motion to Resolve in to Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-24, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the- whole for consideration of the special order of the day Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708765 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708771 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-24, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we do now adjourn until 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667943 Call to Order: 1889-09-25, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667946 Prayer: 1889-09-25 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by chaplain Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667950 Motion to Excuse Mr. Organ, 1889-09-25 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Organ requested me to ask that he be excused... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677484 Motion for the Final Passage of Substitute for Police Powers [File No. 82] None 0 PROCEDURE The question is upon the final passage of File 82. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726792 Motion for the Final Passage of Federal Relations [File No. 60] None 0 PROCEDURE Gentleman, the question is now upon the final passage of the file as read as a part of the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677753 Motion for the Final Passage of Substitute for Relating to Railroad and Telegraph Lines [File No. 31] None 0 PROCEDURE ...The question is on the adoption of the file as read as a part of the constitution... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726802 Motion for the Final Passage of Concerning Labor [File No. 85] None 0 PROCEDURE The question is now on the final passage of the file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726812 Motion for the Final Passage of Substitute for Files No. 11, 38, 42, and 72 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is on the final reading and passage of the bill. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678413 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-25, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into the committee of the whole... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679467 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-25, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679470 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take a recess until 2 o'clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679474 Call to Order: 1889-09-25, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679479 Motion to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to ask the consent of the convention to introduce a resolution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679485 Motion to Adopt the Resolution of Thanks to Hon. W. P. Carroll None 0 PROCEDURE The question is upon the adoption of the resolution of thanks to Mr. Carroll. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679490 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-25, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into the committee of the whole... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681405 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take a recess until 7:30... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681831 Call to Order: 1889-09-25: Evening Session None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will please come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681837 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-25, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into the committee of the whole... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680209 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report of the committee of the whole as read be adopted Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701026 Motion to Consider Substitute for Files No. 7, 26, 27, 54, and 55 as Engrossed None 0 PROCEDURE The convention ordered the engrossment of substitute for Files No. 7, 26, 27, 41, 54, and be considered the engrossed file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680214 Motion to Consider File No. 88 as Being Engrossed None 0 PROCEDURE Motion to Consider File No. 88 as Being Engrossed Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681953 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-25, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678505 Call to Order: 1889-09-26, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678508 Prayer: 1889-09-26 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678522 Order of Business: Presentation of Petitions, Propositions, and Memorials None 0 PROCEDURE Presentation of petitions, propositions and memorials. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680222 Motion to Lay the Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move the proposition be laid on the table, and come up before the convention at the same time as the article referred to. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680224 Point of Order: Cannot Table an Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I don’t think we can table an amendment unless we table the whole subject matter with it. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680240 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on Section 18 by the Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I voted in the affirmative last night, confirming the action of the committee of the whole in regard to this file, and I now desire to move that vote, so far as it effects Sec. 18, be reconsidered. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681471 Motion to Adopt File No. 88 into the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE All who favor the adoption of File 88 as now amended as a part of the constitution will say aye as their names are called; those opposed will say no as their names are called. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680749 Motion to Place Mr. Reid's Proposition on the General File None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to offer a proposition at this time and move that it be placed on the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681075 Motion to Offer a Report from the Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE [T]he judiciary committee desires to make a report upon some files referred to them. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681128 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-26, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701079 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-26, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701091 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recss until 2 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701095 Call to Order: 1889-09-26, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE The gentlemen of the convention will resume their seats. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701461 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-26, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701516 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-26, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701521 Motion to Receive the Report of Committee on Salaries of Public Officers None 0 PROCEDURE I should have included this motion to print, when I asked permission to present the report before. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701553 Motion to Print the Substitutes for Files No. 61, 65, 80, and 83 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that both be ordered printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701555 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-23, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707114 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 7:30 this evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707146 Call to Order: 1889-09-26, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707185 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-26, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708186 Motion for Committee No. 7 to Submit a Report None 0 PROCEDURE On behalf of Committee No. 7 I wish to submit a report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708195 Motion to Accept the Invitation to the Banquet at the Cheyenne Club None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the invitation be accepted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708213 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-26, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now go into committee of the whole. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
710842 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-26, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
710849 Motion to Consider Files No. 86, 87, 90, and Substitute for Files 5, 6, and 94 be Considered Engrossed None 0 PROCEDURE If possible I would like to ask that these files be considered engrossed, so they can be finally read in the morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
710852 Motion to Authorize the President to Appoint Members to the Committees on Addresses to the People and Congress None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the president of this convention be authorized to appoint a committee of ten members on address to the people, and also a committee to prepare an address to congress. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
710855 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-26, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn until 9 o’clock tomorrow. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679179 Call to Order: 1889-09-27, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE The convention was called to order at 9 o’clock a. m. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679184 Prayer: 1889-09-27 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplain. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679208 Motion to Create the Committee on Address to the People None 0 PROCEDURE ...for a committee to frame an address to be presented to the people with this constituion I have made the following appointments... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679211 Motion for the President to be added the the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move the president be appointed as one of the members of this committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701529 Motion to Present Any Reports, Petitions, and Propositions None 0 PROCEDURE Are there any memorials or petitions to be presented this morning? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714327 Motion to Adopt the Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I ask that the amendment be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714339 Motion to Call for the Ayes and Nays None 0 PROCEDURE I call for the ayes and nays. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680666 Motion to Create the Committee on Address to the U.S. Congress None 0 PROCEDURE The chair will announce to the convention at this time the committee on address to congress. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714359 Motion to Adopt File Substitute for Files No. 7, 26, 27, 41, 54 and 55. None 0 PROCEDURE The question is on the adoption of the file as amended and as read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714360 Motion for a Call of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move a call of the house. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714362 Motion to Proceed Under the Call None 0 PROCEDURE I move that further proceedings under the call be dispensed with. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714367 Motion to Read File No. 86 None 0 PROCEDURE The printed file as amended was made the engrossed bill, and will now be read as amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714530 Motion for the Final Passage of Public Lands and Donations [File No. 86] None 0 PROCEDURE The question is upon the adoption of the file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714755 Motion to Read File No. 87 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is now upon the final reading and passage of File 87, concerning coal mines. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714817 Motion for the Convention to Understand the Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE The chair understood the gentleman from Fremont to accept the suggestion as to including iron as well as coal, and the words “or other dangerous mines.” Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714825 Motion for Final Passage of Concerning Coal Mines [File No. 87] None 0 PROCEDURE File 87 will now be finally read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714904 Motion to Adopt the Substitute for Files 5, 6, 10, 23, and 64 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is now on the final reading of the substitute for Files 5, 6, 10, 23 and 64, on elections and qualifications to office. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
714906 Motion for the Final Passage of Concerning Boards of Arbitration [File No. 90] None 0 PROCEDURE The question is now on File No. 90, appeals from decisions of compulsory boards of arbitration shall be to the supreme court of the state. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715100 Motion for the Final Passage of Files 59, 28, and 8 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is now upon the passage of the substitute for Files 59, 28 and 8, on education, public schools, etc. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681002 Motion to Suspend the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE The question is on the motion shall the rules be suspended and the proposition be finally read and put upon its passage. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681008 Motion to Adopt File No. 91 as Part of the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE The question is upon its adoption as a part of the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707692 Motion to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I have a resolution which I wish to introduce, and I would like to have it acted upon at once if possible. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707697 Motion to Introduce a Proposition None 0 PROCEDURE I have a proposition that I would like to submit, and for that purpose will ask the consent of the house. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707952 Motion to Adopt the Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709395 Motion for the Committee on Schedule to Report After Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The committee on schedule desire to state that they will report some matters after recess. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709401 Motion for the Laramie Delegation to Meet None 0 PROCEDURE I would like the members of the Laramie delegation to meet in the committee room for a few minutes. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709413 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-27, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now adjourn until 3 o’clock this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709449 Call to Order: 1889-09-27, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709462 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-27, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711829 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-27, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711837 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-27, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until half past seven this evening. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711857 Call to Order: 1889-09-27, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE Convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711862 Motion to Resolve into the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-27, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go into committee of the whole for consideration of the general file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713682 Motion to Adopt the Report of the Committee of the Whole: 1889-09-27, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713686 Motion to Put the Substitute on its Final Passage None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take up the substitute for Files 61. 65, 80 and 83, and put it upon its final passage. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713755 Motion for the Final Reading of Substitute for Files 61, 65, 80, and 83 None 0 PROCEDURE ...the question is on the final reading of the file as amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713765 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-27, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn util 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713795 Motion to put File No. 92 on its Final Reading None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be put upon its final reading and passage. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713816 Motion to Vote None 0 PROCEDURE Final reading of File No. 92. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713841 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-27; Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705194 Call to Order: 1889-09-28, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705213 Prayer: 1889-09-28 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer by the chaplin Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705235 Motion to Adopt the Journal None 0 PROCEDURE Is there objection to the journal as read? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705243 Motion to Excuse Mr. Jeffrey, 1889-09-28 None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Jeffrey was on motion excused from attendance for the day. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705248 Motion to Expunge Mr. Campbell's Language from The Record of 1889-09-17 None 0 PROCEDURE ...I ask that my language be expunged from the record... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705260 Motion to Adopt Mr. Morgan's Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE Is there any objection to the immediate consideration of the resolution? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705272 Motion to Create a Committee to Reduce The Expenses of The State None 0 PROCEDURE ...the construction with a view to such reduction of the expenses of the state... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705648 Motion to Refer Proposition on Restrictions on Civic Responsibilities and Rights [File No. 93, Convention] None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to have that referred to the committee on elections. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705653 Motion to Suspend The Rules: 09-28-1889 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended and the proposition immediately considered. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705662 Point of Order: Needs a Reconsideration Before a Vote is Taken on a Suspension of the Rules None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. A vote was taken on a suspension of the rules, and this reference cannot be made without a. reconsideration of that vote. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705664 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on Proposition on Restrictions of Civil Rights and Responsibilities None 0 PROCEDURE ...I move that the vote by which the final reading and passage was ordered be reconsidered. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705667 Motion to Suspend The Rules: 09-28-1889 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705671 Motion to Reconsider The Vote for The Final Reading of Proposition on Restricting Civil Rights and Responsibilities None 0 PROCEDURE I insist that we must reconsider the vote ordering the final reading of that file. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705907 Motion to Refer Proposition on Restrictions on Civic Responsibilities and Rights [File No. 93, Convention] None 0 PROCEDURE I now move that this resolution be referred to the committee on elections Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715842 Motion to put File 89 on its final passage None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be finally read and put upon its passage. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715845 Motion for the Final Passage and Adoption of File 89 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is upon the final passage and adoption of File 89 as a part of the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705912 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-28, Morning Session None 0 PROCEDURE I move we adjourn until 2 o’clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705916 Call to Order: 1889-09-28, Afternoon Session None 0 PROCEDURE Convention come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705922 Motion for Members Who Won't be Attending Monday's Convention to Sign The Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE ...I would like to know if some way cannot be arranged so as to give them an opportunity to sign now. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705929 Order of Business: Committee No. 5 Desires to Report None 0 PROCEDURE Committee No. 5 desires to report... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708713 Motion to Refer Concerning Legislative Department [File No. 76] to Committee on Legislation None 0 PROCEDURE I move this matter be referred to the committee on legislation... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
706268 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708734 Call to Order: 1889-09-28, Afternoon Session, After Recess None 0 PROCEDURE The committee will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708741 Motion to Adopt the Report from the Committee on Legislative Department None 0 PROCEDURE Move it to be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708744 Motion to Suspend The Rules: 09-28-1889 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the rules be suspended... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
728284 Motion to Adopt the Substitute Section of File No. 76 None 0 PROCEDURE The question is on the adoption of the section. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
706276 Motion to Appoint to The Committee of Ten to Go to Washington to Aid in The Effort to Secure The Admission of Wyoming into The Union None 0 PROCEDURE ...I move we now proceed with the appointment of a committee of eight for the purpose of going to Washington to advocate before congress the admission of Wyoming as a state. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
706643 Motion to Appoint Members to The Committee of Ten to Go to Washington to Aid in The Effort to Secure The Admission of Wyoming into The Union None 0 PROCEDURE [Mr. PRESIDENT.] How will you select? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
706655 Motion to Appoint Mr. Riner to The Committee of Ten to Go to Washington to Aid in The Effort to Secure The Admission of Wyoming into The Union None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to nominate as a member of that committee... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707176 Motion to Appoint Mr. Potter to The Committee of Ten to Go to Washington to Aid in The Effort to Secure The Admission of Wyoming into The Union None 0 PROCEDURE Mr. Potter. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707215 Motion to Create a Committee of Four to Appoint a Committee to Go to Washington None 0 PROCEDURE ... to appoint a committee to act in conjunction with our chairman, who is already selected as one member, to appoint a committee... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707241 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-28, Afternoon Session None 0 PROCEDURE ...I move we now adjourn... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709253 Call to Order 1889-09-30, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE The convention will come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709259 Prayer: 1889-09-30 None 0 PROCEDURE Prayer. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
717646 Motion to Read the Constitution by Article None 0 PROCEDURE I think it should be read by articles and approved by articles, and then approved as a whole. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
717693 Motion to Vote on Article 3 None 0 PROCEDURE The clerk will call the roll. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
718424 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we now take a recess until half past one. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726295 Motion to Adopt the Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
718428 Motion to Recess None 0 PROCEDURE I move we take a recess until 2 o'clock. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
718430 Call to Order: 1889-09-30, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE At the moment of adjournment we were reading the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
718919 Motion to Introduce a Resolution None 0 PROCEDURE I ask unanimous consent to introduce a resolution at this time, and ask for its immediate consideration. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
720939 Point of Order: Against Changing an Entire Article None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order, that changes the entire article. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726274 Motion to Commence the Signing the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the signing of the constitution be now commenced, and that the secretary of the convention call the roll, and as each members name is called he sign the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
723935 Motion for a Vote of Thanks None 0 PROCEDURE On motion a vote of thanks was extended... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
723926 Final Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-30, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this convention do now adjourn subject to the call of the president. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention

Committee: Committee of the Whole

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources
655692 Motion to Consider Each Rule Separately None 0 PROCEDURE a motion offered that each rule be taken up and acted upon separately, prevailed. Wyoming State Library: Wyoming Newspapers: Cheyenne Daily Sun
656157 Motion to Rise and Report None 0 PROCEDURE The Committee of the Whole rose and reported to the Convention. Editorial Decision
656172 Call to Order: 1889-04-09, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE On motion of Mr. Morgan the convention went into committee of the whole for the consideration of the report of the committee on rules. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
656404 Motion to Rise and Report None 0 PROCEDURE [That the committee rise and report to the convention.] Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Wyoming
660074 Motion to Report the Resolution to Adopt the Constitution of the United States (Substitute) with a Favorable Recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee arise they report to the convention recommending that this resolution as just read be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660218 Motion to Re-read File No. 58: Section 5 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to hear that resolution read by the clerk Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660222 Motion to Suspend Rule No. 4 while in Committee of the Whole None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to inquire if Rule No. 4 applies while sitting in committee of the whole. If it does I move that it be suspended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660224 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee rise and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660228 Motion to Adopt File No. 58: Section 5 (Brown's version) None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of Sec. 5. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660573 Motion to Report Back File No. 58 as Amended None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they report back file No. 58 to the convention, with the recommendation that it be adopted in the constitution as amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
660575 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee do now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661765 Motion to Read File No. 57 None 0 PROCEDURE The first matter to be considered by the committee is file No. 57. The clerk will read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664627 Motion to Return File No. 57 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move...that we report back this bill to the convention... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664640 Motion for Mr. Fox's Section 2 for File No. 57 be Reported back to The Convention and Referred to The Committee on Irrigation None 0 PROCEDURE I therefore move report it back to the convention with the recommendation that it be referred to this committee on irrigation Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715253 Motion to Read Prof. Mead's Report None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to read you Prof. Mead's report on the subject. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664780 Motion to Report Back File No. 57 With the Recommendation that It Be Referred to the Committee on Irrigation None 0 PROCEDURE I move...they report back this file with the recommendation that the whole file be reported back to the Committee on Irrigation. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665099 Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE The chair incorrectly announced the result of the vote. I appeal from the decision of the chair that the motion was lost. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665106 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-12 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665975 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-13, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665978 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-13, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
706271 Motion to Refer File No. 46 to the Convention to be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to move when this committee rise they report that file back with the recommendation that it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
706673 Motion to Report Amendments to the Convention with a Favorable Recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE I move when the committee arise, they report back the substitute for file 13, with the recommendation that it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715149 Motion to Report Substitute for File No. 14 to the Convention with a Favorable Recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the committee rise, they report back this section with the recommendation that it be adopted as a part of the constitution Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715166 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-13 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661830 Motion to Read Substitute for File No. 50 None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to hear that report read as I don't know what it contains. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661833 Motion to Report Substitute for File No. 50 back to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise, it report back to this convention the report of committee No. 4, with the recommendation that it be printed. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
661929 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-16 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662766 Point of Order: Mr. Campbell's Amendment is Not Germane None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order, for the reason that the proposed amendment is not germain [sic] to the subject. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662778 Point of Order: Mr. Palmer's Amendment Would Introduce an Inconsistency to the Article None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. The point of order is this. You have favorably passed upon Sec. 1, in which it says “the rights of the citizens to vote or hold office shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex.” Now I say this motion is out of order, for if you should put in that word “male” it would make two inconsistent sections. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662798 Point of Order: Absence of Quorum None 0 PROCEDURE I must raise this question of a quorum. The committee of the whole must have a quorum as well as the convention, and there is not a quorum present. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662805 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-17, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I think it very necessary that it should be considered by a quorum of the committee of the whole and I therefore move that this committee do now rise. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662824 Motion to Suspend Rule 4 on Smoking None 0 PROCEDURE I move to suspend Rule 4 Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
662868 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-17, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move therefore that we now arise, report progress and ask leave to sit again Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715381 Point of Order: One Step Too Far, to Amend an Amendment to an Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. This goes one step too far, to amend an amendment to an amendment. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665240 Motion for Mr. Baxter to Withdraw his Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE If... Mr. Baxter, will withdraw his amendment and let us vote on the original question, then he can amend it afterwards. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665258 Motion to Adopt Section 9 None 0 PROCEDURE ...I therefore move that Sec. 9 be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665260 Motion for Mr. Fox to Withdraw his Section None 0 PROCEDURE I will ask Mr. Fox to withdraw his section until Sec. 10 as reported by the committee is read... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665749 Motion to Adopt Section 11 None 0 PROCEDURE I move it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666601 Motion to Recommend File No. 68 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise they report back to. the convention that the report of Committee No. 5, on elections and suffrage, be recommended for adoption as a. part of this constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666754 Motion to Recommend Substitute for File No. 78 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise they report back this file with the recommendation that it do pass as an article of this constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667527 Motion to Refer the Substitute Back to the Committee None 0 PROCEDURE ...I move that we report it back to the committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
715999 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-18, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667862 Motion to Refer File No. 66 [Chinese Labor] back to Committee No. 10 None 0 PROCEDURE ...I move that it be referred back to the committee, if it has not already been so referred. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680204 Motion to Adopt File No. 76: Section 1 None 0 PROCEDURE I move Sec. 1 be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676772 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-18, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now arise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676779 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-18, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise, report pro-gross and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680755 Motion to Refer File No. 76 to the Convention with a Favorable Recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee arise they report back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted as amended Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681215 Motion to Refer File No. 76 Back to the Committee on Boundaries and Apportionment None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee arise they report back this file to the convention with the recommendation that it be referred to the committee on apportionment Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681216 Motion to Refer Sections 3-5 to the Committee on Boundaries and Apportionment and the Remainder of the Bill to the Committee on Legislative None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the adding that Secs. 1 and 2 be referred to the legislative committee, and the balance to the apportionment committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
664458 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-19 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665657 Call To Order: 1889-09-20, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE Committee will please come to order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665705 Motion for Mr. Riner's Section to be Referred to The Judiciary Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move this be referred to the judiciary committee Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
665987 Motion to Amend Substitute for File No. 51 and 56 None 0 PROCEDURE I desire to offer an amendment to this bill... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666063 Motion for Report he Substitute for File 51 and 56 for Adoption None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise they report back the substitute for File 51 and 56 with the recommendation that it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666149 Motion to Report Substitution for Files 9 and 36 to be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they report back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666413 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-20 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666420 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-20 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666437 Motion to Report Relating to Railroad and Telegraph Lines [File 31, Committee of the Whole] Back to The Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee rise they report back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666439 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-20, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666665 Motion to Limit a Person's Time to Speak None 0 PROCEDURE I move that no person be allowed to speak for more than two minutes and a half, and not more than once. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
666700 Motion to Report Back File No. 50 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee arise they report back this file to the convention... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667003 Motion for Section 28 to be Referred Back to The Committee None 0 PROCEDURE I move this section be referred back to the committee... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667012 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-20 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667434 Motion to Appeal the Decision of the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE I appeal from the decision of the chair. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667533 Motion to Recommend the Subtstitution be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee arise they report back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted as a part of the constitution, as amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667540 Motion to Rise and Report, 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681275 Motion to refer Majority Report of File No. 76 to the Convention with a favorable recommendation None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they report back the majority report of Committee No. 6 with the recommendation that it be adopted as a part of the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681279 Motion to postpone debate on the Majority Report from Committee No. 6 on File No. 76 None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend that we go into the consideration of the report of the legislative committee Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681426 Motion to Adjourn: 1889-09-21, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE Its getting very late, and I move this committee now rise and report Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701502 Motion to Divide Mr. Baxter's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I would ask the gentleman to make a division of his motion Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701522 Motion to Remove Lobbyists From the Floor of the House None 0 PROCEDURE I move that during the discussion of this question that lobbyists be kept off the floor of the house Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701528 Motion to Reconsider the Majority Report of the Committee on Boundaries and Apportionment: 1889-09-21 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we now reconsider the report of that committee so as to have it changed to conform with the report of the legislative committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701530 Point of Order: By the Adoption of Report, Put it Beyond Reach None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. I am in favor of what the gentleman is moving for, but by the adoption of that report after we arose on Saturday night, put it beyond our reach. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701545 Motion to Recommend Majority Reports from the Committee on Legislative Department and the Committee on Boundaries and Apportionment be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they report back to the convention with the recommendation that the convention adopt the report of the committee fixing the number in the legislative report conforming to that in the apportionment report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678252 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-23, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681812 Motion to Adopt File No. 66 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the report as read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681849 Motion to Recommend File No. 66 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move, Mr. Chairman, that when this committee rise it report back the file as amended with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677228 Motion to Adopt Substitute for File No. 82 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of the substitute in lieu of the original. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677240 Motion to Recommend Substitute for File No. 82 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that...the substitute be reported back to the convention... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701001 Motion to Recommend Substitute for File No. 50: Section 28 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise it report; this section Back to the convention with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
677158 Motion to Recommend Substitute for File No. 31 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they report back the substitute for File 31 with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
722385 Motion to Recommend File No. 60 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE ...I therefore move that when this committee arise it report this file favorably to the convention with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
676519 Motion to Recommend File No. 60 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE It is moved that this file be reported back to the convention... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707531 Motion to Recommend File No. 84 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise it report back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted as a part of the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701852 Motion to Vote Separately on Mr. Brown's Amendments None 0 PROCEDURE I would like to ask that the two amendments offered by Judge Brown be put separately, as I would like to vote upon them separately Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701854 Motion to Read Mr. Burritt's Amendment None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to ask that the amendment be read. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701863 Motion to Recommend File No. 84 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee arise it report back this substitute with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678430 Motion to Make Substitute for Files No. 7, 26, 27, 41, 54 and 55 the Special Order for Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE I move this be made the special order for tomorrow... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678435 Motion to Make Substitute for Files No. 7, 26, 27, 41, 54 and 55 the Special Order for Wednesday None 0 PROCEDURE Have it made Wednesday morning... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667429 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-23, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667453 Point of Order: Compelled to Raise the Question of a Quorum None 0 PROCEDURE I shall be compelled to raise the question of a quorum. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667456 Motion to Postpone Debate on Substitute for Files 11, 38, 42, and 72: Section 3 None 0 PROCEDURE I move that we pass this section for the present, and not take a vote on it now Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667459 Motion to Postpone Debate on Substitute for Files 11, 38, 42, and 72 [Committee of the Whole] None 0 PROCEDURE I move to amend the motion of the gentleman from Laramie, Mr. Morgan, so as to make it that we pass over this file entirelv and go on to the next file on the calendar Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726476 Motion to Recommend File No. 85 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise it recommend this section for adoption. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709003 Motion to Make Substitute for Files No. 59, 28, and 8 Special Order for Thursday Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this file be made special order for Thursday morning. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726499 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-23, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667022 Call to Order: 1889-09-24 None 0 PROCEDURE We are now in committee of the whole, gentlemen, Mr. Coffeen in the chair. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667026 Point of Order: The Education Article Was Set as the Special Order None 0 PROCEDURE I must raise a point of order. Did we not make the file on education the special order for this morning? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
717105 Motion to Refer Substitute for Files No. 11, 38, 42, and 72: Section 7 to Committee on Legislative None 0 PROCEDURE It ought to go in the legislative file... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667910 Motion to Refer Substitute for Files No. 11, 38, 42 and 72 None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise they report back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted as a part of the constitution Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
667912 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-24, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
678518 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-24, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise, report progress... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
708739 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-24, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679433 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-25, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679444 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-25, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
679453 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-25, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee rise and report... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
727706 Point of Order: Cannot Consider Two Sections at the Same Time None 0 PROCEDURE I rise to a point of order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680735 Motion to Refer Substitute for Files No. 7, 26, 27, 41, 54, and 55: Sections 13 and 14 to the Committee on Taxation, Revenue and Public Debt None 0 PROCEDURE I move this be referred back to the committee. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681195 Motion to Report on Substitute for Files No. 7, 26, 27, 41, 54, and 55 None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now rise and report this bill...And that the two sections be referred back... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681201 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-25, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move the committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
682395 Motion to Report Back Substitute for File No. 7, 26, 27, 41, 55, and 54 to the Convention None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they report back this flee with the recommendation that it do pass... Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
682539 Motion to Report Back Substitute for Files 7, 26, 27, 41,54 and 55 With the Recommendation of Adoption None 0 PROCEDURE I move...the substitute for Files 7, 26, 27, 41, 54, amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
681951 Motion to Discuss the Bill of Rights None 0 PROCEDURE It order to expedite business tonight, there was one file perhaps that we ought to take up...and that is the preamble and bill of rights, and I now move we take that file up next. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680195 Motion to Recommend File No. 88 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise they report back this file with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
680198 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-25, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee do now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701098 Motion for Mr. Elliot to take the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE [Mr. Elliot will take the Chair] Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
682005 Motion to Authorize the Revision Committee to Conform Section 14 to the Article on Public Lands None 0 PROCEDURE I move that the revision committee be authorized to make Sec. 14 of this file conform to the section regarding the same subject contained in the article on public lands. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
682038 Motion to Refer Section 16 to the Committee on Public Buildings None 0 PROCEDURE I move this be referred to the committee on public buildings. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
682584 Motion to Reconsider the Vote on Mr. Johnston's Amendment to Section 18 None 0 PROCEDURE I voted in the affimative to strike out the number “seven,” so I believe I am in a position to move a reconsideration. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701064 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-26, Morning None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee rise and report and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701487 Motion for Mr. Elliot to take the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE Gentlemen, we are now in committee of the whole, Mr. Elliott in the chair. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701500 Motion to Present the Report from Committee on Salaries and Public Officers Tomorrow None 0 PROCEDURE Committee No. 15, on salaries of public officers, want to make a report, and would like to have it printed, so it can come before the convention tomorrow. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701503 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-26, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee rise and report progress and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
701557 Motion for Mr. Elliot to take the Chair None 0 PROCEDURE The convention, unless there is objection, will go into committee of the whole by unanimous consent, for consideration of the general file, Mr. Elliott in the chair. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705716 Motion to Recommend the Substitute for Files No. 59, 28, and 8 Pass None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise it report back the substitute for Files 59, 28 and 8, with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705599 Motion to Discuss the File on Public Buildings None 0 PROCEDURE I move we go back and take up the file on public buildings and have it amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705953 Motion to Recommned Section 24 and its Amendments be Referred to Committee on Education, Public Buildings, State Institutions, Public Health and Public Morals None 0 PROCEDURE I move that when this committee rise it report this whole section with the amendments back to the convention with the recommendation that it be referred to Committee No. 7 with instructions to bring in a properly formulated provision. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
705959 Motion to Recommend File No. 86 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise it report back this file 86 to the convention with the recommendation that it do pass as amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
706273 Motion to Recommend File No. 87 be Adopted None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise it report back this file on coal mines with the recommendation that it do pass as a part of the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707071 Motion to Recommend Substitute for Files No. 5, 6, 10, 23, and 64 Pass None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise it report back the substitute for Files 5, 6, 10 and 23 to the convention with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
707078 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-26, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709750 Motion to Refer Section 22 to the Committee on Education None 0 PROCEDURE I move this section be referred to the committee on education. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709858 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-26 None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709859 Motion to Report File 89 back to the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous Matters None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee rise it report this article on schedule back to the committee to bring in something that we can understand. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709862 Point of Order: Motion to Report Back to the Committee to Bring in, Not in Order None 0 PROCEDURE The motion made by the gentleman to report back to the committee to bring in, something we can understand was not only impertinent but was not in order. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709866 Motion to Recommend File 89 be Adopted into the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I now move when this committee arise it report back File 89 with the amendments offered thereto to the convention with the recommendation that it be adopted as a part of the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
709867 Motion to Ask Leave to Sit Again and Refer File No. 89 to the Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous Matters None 0 PROCEDURE I move that this committee arise and ask leave to sit again, and that we have the matter of this file referred to the committee for the purpose of preparing a new section to meet this question of county officers. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
710124 Motion to Recommend File No. 89 be Adopted into the Constitution None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise it report back this file to the convention with the recommendation that it do pass. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
710427 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-26, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
726927 Motion for Mr. Sutherland to Become Chairperson None 0 PROCEDURE Will Mr. Sutherland... take the chair? Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
710938 Motion to Read the Majority and Minority Report Together None 0 PROCEDURE would be best to consider this majority report and the minority report together, and I make a motion to that effect. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711438 Motion to Adopt Section 2 of the Majority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move that Sec. 2 of the majority report be adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711443 Motion to Adopt Section 4 of the Majority Report None 0 PROCEDURE I move the adoption of Sec. 4 of the majority report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711688 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-27, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report these files back to the committee on salaries of public officers, to take action and report again this afternoon. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711810 Motion to Rise and Refer the File Back None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee arise and report this back to a committee of one from each county to fix it. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
711816 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-27, Afternoon None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee rise, report progress and ask leave to sit again. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
712357 Motion to Recommend the Adoption of the Substitute None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they re-port [sic] back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted as amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
712485 Motion to Recommend the Adoption of the Substitute None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they report back this file with the recommendation that it be adopted as a part of the constitution. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
712493 Motion to Recommend the Adoption of the File None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise that file be reported back with the recommendation that it be then adopted. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713142 Motion to Lay the Amendment on the Table None 0 PROCEDURE I move that it be laid on the table. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713654 Motion to Recommend the File's Adoption None 0 PROCEDURE I move when this committee arise they report back this File 89 with the recommendation that it be adopted as amended. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention
713657 Motion to Rise and Report: 1889-09-27, Evening None 0 PROCEDURE I move this committee now rise and report. Debates and Proceedings of the Wyoming Constitutional Convention

Committee: Committee on Temporary Organization

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Committee: Committee on Credentials

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Committee: Committee on Preamble and Declaration of Rights

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Committee: Committee on Legislative Department

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Committee: Committee on Executive Department

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Committee: Committee on Judiciary

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Committee: Committee on Elections, Rights of Suffrage, and Qualifications to Office

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Committee: Committee on Boundaries and Apportionment

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Committee: Committee on Education, Public Buildings, State Institutions, Public Health and Public Morals

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Committee: Committee on Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Rights

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Committee: Committee on Mines and Mining

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Committee: Committee on Manufactures, Commerce, Livestock Interests and Labor

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Committee: Committee on Taxation, Revenue and Public Debts

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Committee: Committee on County, City and Town Organizations

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Committee: Committee on Corporations

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Committee: Committee on Railroads and Telegraphs

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Committee: Committee on Salaries of Public Officers

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Committee: Committee on Federal Relations, Public Land and Military Affairs

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Committee: Committee on Printing, Publication, Accounts and Expenses

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Committee: Committee on Schedule, Future Amendments and Miscellaneous Matters

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Committee: Committee of Revision and Adjustment

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Committee: Committee on Rules

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Committee: Committee on Ways and Means

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Committee: Committee on Ordinances

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Committee: Committee for Selecting Representatives to the U.S. Senate Committee of Arid Lands and Irrigation

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Committee: Committee of Address to the People of Wyoming

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Committee: Committee to Appoint a Committee to Go to Washington

Event Id Proposal Name Sub-type Subdecisions Proposal Kind Motion Text Source Additional Sources