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United States Thirteenth Amendment 1863-65

An amendment to the United States Constitution to abolish slavery introduced during the American Civil War.

Source material

The Congressional Globe


The Congressional Globe is the official verbatim record of the proceedings of both houses of Congress between 1833 and 1873. The material used for this project comprise volumes 34 and 35. The first is divided into 4 parts and the second in 2. The dates covered by each volume and links to the material are as follows:
- Vol. 34 Part 1: Dec. 7, 1863 to Mar. 7, 1864 (
- Vol. 34 Part 2: Mar. 7 to Apr. 29, 1864 (
- Vol. 34 Part 3: Apr. 29, to Jun. 14, 1864 (
- Vol. 34 Part 4 (Including the Appendix): Jun. 14, to Jul. 4, 1864 (
- Vol. 35 Part 1: Dec. 5, 1864 to Feb. 16, 1865 (
- Vol. 35 Part 2 (Including the Appendix): Feb. 16 to Mar. 3, 1865 (

[N.b. Where words are poorly scanned or difficult to read, we have used higher quality .tiff files for clarification, which can be accessed through the links on the following webpage:]

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