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Session 15668: 1889-07-31 21:15:00

The Article on Territorial Debts and Liabilities was signed by the member of the Commission. The members then presented resolutions of thanks to chairmen, the officers, the territorial governor, and the delegations of each convention. The Journal of the Joint Commission was then read, corrected and approved before the Commission stood adjourned subject to the call of the Chairman.

The Dakotas Joint Committee for the Division of Property 1889

The Joint Commission

Session 15668: 1889-07-31 21:15:00

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Document View:

Resolution to Thank Governor Mellette

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Resolved, That the thanks of the Commission be extended to Gov. A. C. Mellet, for the use of his rooms at the Capitol for meetings of this Commission.

Decisions yet to be taken
