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Session 11448: 1992-04-29 11:35:00

First plenary meeting under the Chairmanship of Patrick Mayhew following the General Election.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

All-Party Negotiations

Session 11448: 1992-04-29 11:35:00

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Document View:

Press Release 29 April 1992

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

[Editor's Note: We believe this is the final press statement, rather than the draft, which we do not have at the moment.]

NORTHERN IRELAND Information Service

29 April 1992


The new political talks which started on 9 March this year resumed today. All the participants reaffirmed their commitment to the talks on the basis of the then Secretary of State's statement of 26 March 1991.

The Secretary of State held an introductory meeting with the four party leaders together.

There was a meeting in plenary session, in which the Secretary of State and each of the four party leaders made opening statements.

The Business Committee, under the Chairmanship of Mr Hanley, will hold a meeting this afternoon to assist in the planning of the forthcoming work.

There will be further meetings, including including further plenary discussions, next week.

Decisions yet to be taken
