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Session 11418: 1991-05-22 10:35:00

Meeting between Alliance delegation and the British Government delegation

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

British-Alliance Talks

Session 11418: 1991-05-22 10:35:00

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Document View:

Alliance Party Analysis of the Joint Unionist Position Paper of 21 May 1991

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Alliance Party Analysis of the Joint Unionist Position Paper of 21 May 1991

Paragraph 2. The Alliance Party considered this to be positive.

Paragraph 3. It was noted that the fact that an independent chairman was being sought for a limited role in the second strand did not set a precedent. He would not have a role in the third strand, but would have to remain available in case it was felt appropriate to reconvene the second strand.

Paragraph 4. The final sentence was important as an indication of how quickly the Unionists thought that certain matters vital to the SDLP could be settled. The precise wording of the terms of reference and standing orders would be of considerable importance to HMG since the independent chairman would become a terrorist target.

Paragraph 6. There was no overlap between this paragraph and Annex A; the presence or otherwise of the independent chairman would define whether a meeting was in the second or third strand. The arrangements outlined in Annex A applied once the third strand had started.

Paragraph 7. This paragraph was designed to deliver the commitment in the 14 May document to a meeting of the second strand in Dublin during June.

Decisions yet to be taken
