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Session 12590: 1997-07-04 10:05:00

Meeting of the Forum

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum

Session 12590: 1997-07-04 10:05:00

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Document View:

Motion on the Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights employment equality deliberations

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

In noting the publication of the entirety of the Standing Advisory Commission on Human Rights deliberations on employment equality, the Forum, while recognizing continuing perceptions of the alleged causes of inequality, affirms the view that there exist measures which have been effective in providing fair employment in which the Catholic community can have full confidence and that further legislative measures could prove counter-productive to an employment equality which all can support.

The above does not preclude the considered view that the workings of the fair-employment legislation have unfairly disadvantaged the Protestant community.

The Forum further recognizes that, independent of fair employment, long-term unemployment is unacceptably high and calls upon the Government to take all necessary steps to remedy this matter.

Decisions yet to be taken
