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Session 12477: 1991-05-07 11:50:00

Bilateral meeting between the Government Team and the Joint Unionist delegation in an attempt to resolve differences over the location of the Strand 2 talks.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

British-Unionist Talks

Session 12477: 1991-05-07 11:50:00

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Location of Strand 2 Talks: Position of Parties on 3 May

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Preferred Location for Strand 2 Talks: Position of Parties on 3 May

SDLP - Preferred Dublin, with Armagh as a fall-back. The SDLP were prepared to alternate between London and Dublin, and to decide the starting place on the toss of a coin.

Alliance - Belfast, on grounds of practicality but would fall in with another location if all others were agreed.

Unionists - London. The Unionist delegations did not favour a European location as it would "internationalise" the problem.

The content of discussions should be kept out of the public domain.

There might be virtue in seeing the party leaders individually.

Decisions yet to be taken
