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Document introduced in:

Session 11948: 1996-07-19 10:03:00

Introduction of and debate on Fifth Draft of the Rules of Procedure which agreed by Forum and forwarded to Secretary of State for approval; Discussion on Security Situation in Northern Ireland; Vote on Business Committee recommendations on Mechanics of Committees; Continuation of discussion on new motion on Education Administration. SDLP and Alliance Party absent from Proceedings.

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum

Session 11948: 1996-07-19 10:03:00

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Document View:

Mechanics for Committees

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

[The Forum should appoint Committees for each of the consultation themes. Their composition should be three members from the Ulster Unionist Party, three from the DUP, three from the SDLP and one from each of the other parties, and each Committee will elect its Chairman. The Committees should work on the basis of meeting once a week on Thursdays.]

Decisions yet to be taken
