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Session 11406: 1991-06-18 10:00:00

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

All-Party Negotiations

Session 11406: 1991-06-18 10:00:00

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Document View:

Press Statement

There is 1 proposed amendment related to this document on which a decision has not been taken.

18 June 1991 - Agreed Statement

Further plenary sessions took place in the morning and afternoon. In the morning delegations exchanged views more fully on the SDLP statement made yesterday afternoon. In the afternoon introductory statements were made by the UUP and the UDUP.

The conference will resume at 10.30 am tomorrow morning, commencing with an exchange of views on the two Unionist Party statements.

Decisions yet to be taken

  • Press Statement (introduced on 1991-06-18 10:00:00 - PROPOSE_DOCUMENT_AMENDMENT - e814930)