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Document introduced in:

Session 11561: 1996-10-03 00:00:00

Motion to make existing Committees into Standing Committees introduced and referred to Forum; Statement on Multi-Party Talks introduced and referred to Forum; Committee recommendations for Christmas Recess timings referred to Forum. [Time of meeting unknown].

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

Business Committee

Session 11561: 1996-10-03 00:00:00

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Document View:

Motion On Existing Committees Becoming Standing Committees

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

That the existing Committees established by the Forum on 26 July 1996 should become Standing Committees with designations, current remits and terms of reference as follows:

Designation: Standing Committee A

Remit: Public order issues

Terms of reference:

Parades — To examine the problems which arise in relation to parades in Northern Ireland, make recommendations which would contribute to better understanding and amelioration of those problems, and report to the Forum

Boycotting — To examine the problems of boycotting in Northern Ireland, make recommendations which would help resolve them, and report to the Forum

Designation: Standing Committee B

Remit: Education Issues

Terms of reference: To examine the contribution which education services and structures make to the promotion of dialogue and understanding within Northern Ireland, and report to the Forum by 31 December 1996

Designation: Standing Committee C

Remit: Health issues

Terms of reference: To examine the health needs of the community in Northern Ireland, with particular reference to health-care administration, acute hospital services, community care services and access by the rural community, and report to the Forum by 31 December 1996

Designation: Standing Committee D

Remit: Agriculture and fisheries issues

Terms of reference: To examine the problems being faced by farmers and fishermen in Northern Ireland, and report to the Forum by 31 December 1996

Decisions yet to be taken
