
Johnson kept a succinct record of his attendance during the Constitutional Convention, and was the only delegate to record the weather each day.


Johnson kept a succinct record of his attendance during the Constitutional Convention, and was the only delegate to record the weather each day.


June 1st. Rain & Fair Came to Philadelphia at 7 O’clock, & Lodged at Dickenson’s. . . .
2d. Made Visits. Took a Seat in Convention. . . . In eveng. took Lodgs. at City Tavern. . . .
4th. Cold. At Convention. . . .
5th. Fair. Cold. Rain. In Convention. Not well. . . .
6th. Very Rainy. In Conventn. Dined Dr. Franklins. . . .
7th. Showry. In Conventn. Dined Mr. Clymer’s. . . .
8th. Fair. In Conventn. . . .
9th. Warm. At Conven. . . .
11th. Hot. At Conventn. Dind. Mr. Morris’s. . . .
12th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
13th. Do. In Conventn. Dind. Ingersolls. . . .
14th. Do. In Conventn. but adj. . . .
15th. Do. In Conventn. Do. . . .
16th. Cool. In Conventn. . . .
18th. Hot. In Conventn. Hamiltn. . . .
19th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
20th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
21st. Do. In Do. Argt. . . .
22d. Cool. In Do. . . .
23d. Do. In Do. . . .
25th. Cool. In Conventn. . . .
26th. Hot. In Conventn. . . .
27th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
28th. Cool. In Conventn. . . .
29th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
30th. Hot. In Convention. . . .
July 2d. Hot. In Conventn. Commee. . . .
3d. Hot. No. Conventn. . . .
4th. Do. Do. Independence. Heard Campbells Oration. . . .
July 5th. Hot In Conventn. . . .
6th. Do. In Convention. Dined G. Washington. . . .
7th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
9th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
10th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
11th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
12th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
13th. Cool. In Conventn. . . .
14th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
16th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
17th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
18th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
19th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
20th. Set out at 8 O’clock in the Mail Stage with Judge Sherman &c. . . .
Augt. 6th. Rain. . . . Did not arrive till 7. in Eveng. . . . In eveng. came to Mr. Lewis’s met Coln. Johnston &c. . . .
7th. Hot. In Convention. . . .
8th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
9th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
10th. Do. Rain. In Do. . . .
11th. Cool. In Conventn. Dind. Pinckneys. . . .
13th. Hot. In Conventn. . . .
14th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
15th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
16th. Cool. In Conventn. . . .
17th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
18th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
20th. Rain. In Conventn. . . .
21st. Do. In Conventn. . . .
22d. Fine. In Conventn. . . . Fitchs Steam Boat. . . .
23d. Warm. In Conventn. . . .
24th. Hot. In Conventn. . . .
25th. Do. In Do. Dined with Gerry. . . .
27th. Cold. Rain. In Conventn. . . .
28th. Rain. In Convention. . . .
29th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
30th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
31st. Cool. In Conventn. . . .
Septemr. 1st. Rain. In Convention. . . .
3d. Cool. In Conventn. . . .
4th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
Septemr. 5th. Cool. In Conventn. . . .
6th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
7th. Do. In Conventn. . . .
8th. Do. In Conventn. Dind. Mifflins. Eveng. Comee. . . .
10th. Warm. In Convention. & Commee. . . .
11th. Very hot. Do. Do. . . .
12th. Do. Do. Do. Dind. Jacksons . . . .
13th. Rain. Do. Do. . . .
14th. Do. Do. Do. . . . .
15th. Cloudy. Do. Do. . . .
17th. Cold. In Convention. Ended. . . .
18th. Set out at 10 O’clock in the Stage. Gov. Livingston, Few, Baldwin, Jackson &c in Company.

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Appendix A (Max Farrand, 1911)