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Session 11437: 1991-05-28 17:30:00

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

Sub-Plenary Meetings

Session 11437: 1991-05-28 17:30:00

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Document View:

Draft of Workplan, 28 May 1991

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

[Editor's Note: This version of the Workplan is marked as 'CONFIDENTIAL' and 'Annex'. Although separated in Lord Alderdice's file, we believe it was originally appended to the Record of the Sub-Plenary Meeting on 28 May as both documents have the same code on the bottom lefthand corner, 'Id,291/A2'.]

Workplan for Strand 1

1. It is envisaged that the underlying issues will be comprehensively aired during the initial plenary session(s) of strand one. This should be by written statements to which parties can speak and on which they can be questioned. It is expected that common themes will emerge which will form the basis for further discussions. Prominent among these are likely to be Northern Ireland's constitutional status and relationships within the Northern Ireland community.

3. [sic] Following the Secretary of State's letter of 3 May, there is general agreement that the workplan for those discussions will need to covr the follwoing areas and in the order suggested:

(i) range of responsibilities (matters to be devolved?);

(ii) extent of powers to be transferred (executive or legislative or both?);

(iii) means of exercising these responsibilities (committee system, executive, other?);

(iv) nature and extent of the roles of representatives of the two parts of the community, and possible safeguards for any or all sides of the community;

(v) type of institution (including if appropriate method of election);

(vi) legislative arrangements for transferred and non-transferred matters (procedures in Northern Ireland, procedures at Westminster?);

(vii) arrangements for the protection of individual and community rights;

(viii) security matters (extent of local political influence over law and order matters);

(ix) financial arrangements and resources;

(x) relationship with other bodies (District Councils, Boards, etc);

(xi) EC matters;

(xii) relationship with the Secretary of State and UK Government system;

(xiii) role of UK Government and Parliament in respect of matters which are not transferred;

(xiv) arrangements for validating the outcome of the talks process as a whole insofar as the issues for discussion in strand one are concerned.

Decisions yet to be taken