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Document introduced in:

Session 11693: 1997-02-21 10:02:00

Standing Committee A (Oral Evidence), Northern Ireland Economy, Public Holidays, Newcastle Disease, Education: Finance, Publicity

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum

Session 11693: 1997-02-21 10:02:00

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Document View:

Garvaghy Road Resident's Coalition address motion

There are 2 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

"Noting the Forum's duty to promote dialogue in Northern Ireland, and further noting the vital importance of resolving the continuing disputes over marches, the Forum welcomes the request by Garvaghy Road Residents' Coalition to address Standing Committee A of the Forum and instructs that Committee to arrange that meeting at the earliest reasonable opportunity and, similarly, to arrange an early meeting with the Northern Ireland Flute Bands Association, as requested by that group."

Decisions yet to be taken

  • Garvaghy Road Resident's Coalition address motion (introduced on 1997-02-21 10:02:00 - CREATE - e803336) [This document]
    • Require leave of the Forum (introduced on 1997-02-21 10:02:00 - PROCEDURE - e803343)
      • Seek leave of the Forum (introduced on 1997-02-21 10:02:00 - PROCEDURE - e803359)
    • Seek leave of the Forum (introduced on 1997-02-21 10:02:00 - PROCEDURE - e803359)