Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum for Political Dialogue met between 1996 and 1998 in Belfast as part of the negotiations that led to the Good Friday Agreement.

Standing Committee B

To examine the contribution which education services and structures make to the promotion of dialogue and understanding within Northern Ireland and report to the Forum by 31 December 1996. [Note that the Committee is alleged to meet every Thursday but we do not have records of their meetings. To avoid speculation on meeting dates we have only modelled sessions which we know took place.]

The Committee Secretary's View The Committee Secretary's View

To see the full record of a committee, click on the corresponding committee on the map below.

Document introduced in:

Session 12943: 1998-02-13 00:00:00

Response to draft Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1998

Document View:

Motion to write to Education minister regarding preparatory department cuts

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

This Forum is content that the Chairman of Standing Committee B write to Mr Worthington urging him not to proceed with further reductions in grant-aid to preparatory departments and to restore their funding to at least the previous level of 40% of teaching costs.

Decisions yet to be taken


Document Timeline