United States Bill of Rights 1789 (2021 Edition)

Frederick Augustus Conrad Muhlenberg

(1 January 1750 – 4 June 1801) First Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, member of the Continental Congress, and Lutheran pastor by profession. Muhlenberg was a member of the Continental Congress and the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, where he served as speaker. He chaired the state convention to ratify the federal Constitution. Then, he was elected to the First, Second ,Third and Fourth U.S. Congresses and served as the first Speaker of the House. In 1796, he was chairman to the Committee of the Whole. He attempted to honor his German origins by furthering the involvement and integration of German Americans into the political process of the U.S.

Member of Pennsylvania Delegation - United States Bill of Rights 1789 (2021 Edition) [this display].

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