U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2021 Edition)

William Few

(8 June 1748 – 16 July 1828) Farmer, lawyer, banker, surveyor, and militia officer during the Revolutionary War. From a small farming family he rose to wealth and prominence. He served in the Georgia General Assembly and Congress, before joining the Constitutional Convention. He was US Senator for Georgia before moving to New York to become president of several banks and then a legislator within the New York State Assembly.

Member of Georgia Delegation - U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2021 Edition) [this display].

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Member of the following committees and involvement

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: 0 sessions, 0 events, participated in 0

(Click on the event to view to the specific event page)

Voting details of

(Click on the proposal name on the left to view to the specific event page)