U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2021 Edition)

John Blair

(17 April 1732 – 31 August 1800) Jurist, legislator, farmer and slaveholder. Having practised law, he joined the Virginia House of Burgesses prior to the Revolution. On its outbreak he helped to draft the Virginian constitution and the Virginia Declaration of Rights. As a judge he held several senior positions within the state’s courts. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and afterwards a US Supreme Court judge. He was also a farmer and owned several slaves.

Member of Virginia Delegation - U.S. Constitutional Convention 1787 (2021 Edition) [this display].

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Member of the following committees and involvement

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: 0 sessions, 0 events, participated in 0

(Click on the event to view to the specific event page)

Voting details of

(Click on the proposal name on the left to view to the specific event page)