Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889

Nelson Gates Blalock

A Democrat from the Tenth District, the fifty-three year old physician and wheat grower lived in Walla Walla. Born in North Carolina, Blalock was graduated from Jefferson Medical College and practiced medicine for twelve years in Decatur, Illinois. He had been an assistant surgeon in the army. In 1873, he came to Walla Walla. Blalock served on the following committees: Education and Educational Institutions, chairman; State, County and Municipal Indebtedness; State Medicine and Public Health; reporting proceedings.

Member of 10. Tenth District - Washington State Constitutional Convention 1889 [this display].

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Member of the following committees and involvement

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: 0 sessions, 0 events, participated in 0

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Voting details of

(Click on the proposal name on the left to view to the specific event page)