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Document introduced in:

Session 12757: 1991-06-03 14:37:00

A meeting between the Government Team and representatives of the Joint Unionist Delegation to continue discussion of the the draft Procedural Guidelines, in particular amendments proposed by the Irish Government. Neither Unionist party leader was present. They are reported to be attending a funeral in Armagh.

Northern Ireland Brooke/Mayhew Talks 1991-1992

British-Unionist Talks

Session 12757: 1991-06-03 14:37:00

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Document View:

Staffing of Strand Two

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.


The independent Chairman of strand two will have a personal private staff but he will not have a high-powered Secretariat with the purpose of writing papers on the substance of the talks.

2. There will be a small team responsible for taking a record of strand two meetings. It will be staffed by civil servants selected by the Chairman from nominations put forward by the two governments involved in strand two. The team will work under the direction of the Chairman who will be able to seek advice from the Business Committee on the exercise of this as well as his other responsibilities.

3. In the case of plenary meetings and sub-plenary meetings involving all delegations, the note-taking team will prepare and circulate a record. In the case of meetings between the Chairman and one or some delegations, the delegations concerned will be able to choose between not having a record of the meeting, having a record prepared by the Chairman's Private Office and having a record prepared by a member of the note-taking team selected by the Chairman after consultation with the delegation(s) concerned.

Decisions yet to be taken
