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Document introduced in:

Session 11713: 1997-06-13 10:03:00

Business, Beef Industry Crisis, Elections, Special Debate

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum

Session 11713: 1997-06-13 10:03:00

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Document View:

Election Irregularities Motion

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

Given the concerns expressed by a wide spectrum of political, public and business opinion throughout Northern Ireland and the possibility of "irregularities" having occurred in the recent parliamentary and local-government elections, this Forum calls on the Government to instigate an early review of voting procedures for all future elections in Northern Ireland and resolves to refer this matter to the a Committee which shall prepare a report to recommend methods of countering electoral irregularities — in particular,

(i) removing multiple entries from the electoral register,

(ii) ensuring that those who are entitled to vote are registered,

(iii) providing suitable and convenient polling stations,

(iv) overcoming postal and proxy vote abuse,

(v) preventing voting personation by introducing proper and effective identity checks,

(vi) considering other relevant issues —

and that a Committee shall report to the Forum with a view to submitting such evidence to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland for consideration within the Government's review procedure.

Decisions yet to be taken
