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Document introduced in:

Session 11605: 1996-11-01 10:02:00

Vote on Standing Committee Motion; Presentation of Standing Committee D Interim Report on BSE; Debate on DUP Motion on the Neil Latimer Case; Debate on UUP Motion on Political Integration in EU.

Northern Ireland Forum for Political Dialogue

The Forum

Session 11605: 1996-11-01 10:02:00

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Document View:

Motion on European Union (Political Integration)

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.

This Forum notes with concern the federalist ambitions of some member states of the European Union, the European Commission and the two largest political groups in the European Parliament. As elected, but powerless, representatives of the people of Northern Ireland we recognize the dangers caused by excluding the governed from government. In light of our province's experience of remote and unaccountable administration under direct rule, we call upon Her Majesty's Government to pledge a referendum on the issue of European political or economic integration in order that the people of the United Kingdom may decide whether or not to cede yet more powers to existing or potential European institutions.

Decisions yet to be taken
