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Session 10575: 1873-12-01 12:00:00

The first day of House business for the first session of the Forty-Third Congress

The Civil Rights Act of 1875

The House of Representatives

Session 10575: 1873-12-01 12:00:00

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Document View:

Drawing of Seats

There is 1 proposed amendment related to this document on which a decision has not been taken.

Resolved, That the Clerk of the House do to-morrow at twelve and a half o'clock p.m., place in a box the name of each Member and Delegate of the House of Representatives, written upon a separate slip of paper, that he proceed, in the presence of the House, to draw from said box, one at a time, the slips of paper, and as each is drawn he shall announce the name of the Member or Delegate upon it, who shall choose his seat for the present Congress: President, That, before said drawing shall commence, the Speaker shall cause each seat to be vacated, and shall see that every seat continues vacant until it is selected under this order; and that every seat, after having been selected, shall be deemed forfeited, if left unoccupied before the calling of the roll is finished.

That is that before the drawing beings the member of this House of longest continuous service, be allowed to select his own seat.

Decisions yet to be taken

  • Motion for Previous Question on the Drawing of Seats (introduced on 1873-12-01 12:00:00 - PROCEDURE - e789359)