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Document introduced in:

Session 3555: 1864-03-30 12:00:00

S. 209 is first introduced and referred to the Committee on Claims; the Senate agree to consider S. Res. 16 in Committee of the Whole.

United States Thirteenth Amendment 1863-65

The Senate

Session 3555: 1864-03-30 12:00:00

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Document View:

S. 209

There are 0 proposed amendments related to this document on which decisions have not been taken.


For the relief of Mary Throckmorton.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay Mary Throckmorton, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of ----, being the amount of award made by the commissioners appointed under the act of sixteenth April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled "An act for the release of certain persons held to labor or service in the District of Columbia," in the case of certain persons of African descent named in the petition of said Mary Throckmorton for indemnity under said act.

Decisions yet to be taken
